Handy tips when using a river vessel waste disposal station

River vessels are a wonderful way of experiencing all the River Murray has to offer but we must be aware of the potential risk waste produced by these vessels has to river health and local water supplies.
Here's some handy tips on general berthing and station operation instructions for any of the river vessel waste disposal stations located along the River Murray.
00:00 Why do you need to use a River Vessel Waste Disposal Station?
00:43 Where is my closest River Vessel Waste Disposal Station?
01:04 How to dock your vessel
02:45 Familiarising yourself with the River Vessel Waste Disposal Station equipment
03:26 How to use the station - Step 1 - Clearing the sewage suction hose
05:13 How to use the station - Step 2 - Removing sewage from vessel
07:58 How to use the station - Step 3 - Re-flushing the sewage suction hose
08:11 General rubbish disposal
08:27 For further assistance
