Hamar Euskal Melodia/Diez Melodías Vascas - J. Guridi


"Hamar Euskal Melodia" was composed by Jesús Guridi in 1941, for its premiere on 12 December of the same year. The most important work by the composer from Vitoria, it is based on melodies that were mainly taken from the "Euskal Kantutegi Herrikoia" (Basque Popular Songbook) by Resurrección Mª de Azkue. The work tries to play with the previously mentioned popular melodies, to give them a more orchestral character and turn them into classical music.
00:00 Intro
00:30 Narrativa
01:50 Amorosa
04:20 Religiosa
07:00 Epitalámica
08:15 De Ronda
09:20 Amorosa
13:10 De Ronda
14:38 Danza
16:55 Elegiaca
19:43 Festiva
21:48 Outro
1. "Narrativa"- comes from: "Santo Urbanen Bezpera".
2. "Amorosa"- comes from: "Aritz adarrean".
3. "Religiosa"- comes from: "Garizuma luzerik".
4. "Epitalámica"- comes from: "Jentileri bat".
5. "De Ronda"- comes from: "Alabatua".
6. "Amorosa"- comes from: "Ala baita dolu egingarri".
7. "De Ronda"- comes from: "Asiko naiz".
8. "Danza"- from: "Zortziko".
9. "Elegiaca"- comes from: "Zorabiatua naiz".
10. "Festiva".
Of all these melodies, "Danza" has particularly caught our attention. Endowed with a rhythm typical of the Basque Country: the "Zortziko", it has a 5/8 time signature, which is very unusual in the majority of music. Moreover, it is made up of two different melodies: the "Kaxarranka" from Lekeitio and a zortziko; and that is why we have introduced photographs from different periods of the peculiar "Kaxarranka" dance that uses the same melody.
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Music: @ / euskadiko orkestra sin...

