Hadhrat Shaykh Maulana Adam Leicester Funeral with beautiful nasheed

إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Most of you are aware that Shaykh Adam Lunat (may Allah have mercy on him) has passed away at Fajr time today. He was likely the longest-serving Imam in the UK for about 40 years. He established Jame Musjid with a committee representing various communities in the late 1970s, which was unheard of at the time. He also founded a boys and girls madrasa there, where countless students learned the basics of their faith. Later, he introduced a Hifz class where many completed their memorization of the Quran. Additionally, a girls' Hifz class was later established. A Darul Uloom was then founded, where many graduated as alims and alimahs.
He was also the patron of LIA Secondary School. Jame Masjid holds nostalgic memories for me as it was my childhood musjid. I remember the Shaykh's fiery sermons warning the masses of the trials of the time. He was at the forefront of many issues that needed addressing, including opposing the Salman Rushdie controversy. Later, he served as the Shaykul Hadith at Jame Darul Uloom, teaching Bukhari Shareef. In his later years, he emphasised the importance of purifying the heart and fostering a deep love for our Rasullah ﷺ, as he was also a Shaykh of tasawwuf. This was evident when he fell unconscious on a plane to India for treatment last month. After days in the hospital, gradually recovering Rasulullah ﷺ appeared in his dream, and he suddenly told all his family and mureeds who were there to take him to Madinah Munawarah as soon as possible.
He spent about a week there before returning to England. Shortly afterwards, he suffered another stroke, and his health deteriorated. Even in his unconscious state, he recited Surah Adh-Dhariyat. When regaining semi consciousness, he would recite "Ya Kareem, Ya Raheem."
My last two encounters with him were during the Friends of Al Aqsa gathering at Jame Masjid a few months ago. My cousin Molana Uwais, the Shaykh's eldest grandson, invited me to visit his grandfather at home. My pertanal aunt is married to Molana Ahmad Ali, Shaykh Adam's (r.a) eldest son. He was in high spirits, and his face radiated with light. I kissed his forehead and briefly discussed Gaza. My final encounter was at the hospital before the doctors discharged him home. He was unconscious, I kissed his forehead and gently stroked his head, knowing it was most likely the last time.
They say the death of an Alim is the death of the Alum (world). We should sit in the company of pious scholars before they depart from this world, as truly, they are the inheritors of the prophets (a.s)
A truly great loss for Leicester and the UK. May Allah (swt) forgive his shortcomings and grant him Jannatul Firdaus.

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  • @iakhalifa
    @iakhalifa23 күн бұрын

    Can some one translate naat