Guinness World Records - 2000pcs by: Ravensburger

🧩 Puzzle: Guinness World Records - 2000pcs
🧩 By: Ravensburger
🎨 Artist: Rod Hunt
My thoughts: I got this puzzle because it's panoramic, and I'd never done one that size/shape by Ravensburger. There are lots of small details that make it a challenging puzzle, but I'd say it's average difficulty for a 2000 piece puzzle. My only complaint is that I wish they'd included a picture to work from because the box top is huge & quite top heavy for my lid stand.
Overall, I enjoyed this puzzle and trying to figure out some of the world records represented. I ofc included a chihuahua for scale in the video. Maybe I can set a world record for the most pictures of little dogs on top of puzzles? 😆🧩
🧩 Completed puzzle dimensions: 61 × 132 cm
🧩 Piece thickness: 2.2mm
🧩 Piece shape & finish: Ribbon cut/Matte
🧩 Did I use picture for reference: Yes
🛒 How acquired: Purchased
