Guavay helps small holders farmers to increase their yields by offering organic fertilisers

OVO's investment committee has decided to support the development of Guavay Company Ltd with an affordable loan coupled with coaching.
The business: Guavay helps small holders farmers to increase their yields by offering a range of organic blends for specific crops, with avocado being the primary focus. Using locally available organic materials blended with specific minerals, Guavay ensures stable and consistent nutritional content, benefiting soil quality and crop development.
Their strength? To support the sale of fertilisers by training farmers to increase their production.
"In the next 5 years, we want to grow our fertiliser manufactory operations and we are doing this with very innovative technologies improving the sustainability of the soil making sure the soils are healthy to produce food. It’s something we believe, as a company, we have an obligation to use our knowledge and talents to make Tanzania and East-Africa food secure. », says Mr. Ahad Katera, co-founder of the company in 2017 - Tanzania
OVO supports access to finance for advanced fertiliser blending equipment to scale production, ensuring consistent, high-quality organic fertilisers for farmers and promoting sustainable practices.
