国足:到哪都是“死亡之组” 现实目标力争小组第四 | No matter where the China goes, it always ends up in the "Group of Death

美加墨世界杯预选赛亚洲区18强赛分组抽签仪式在马来西亚吉隆坡进行,国足与日本队、澳大利亚队、沙特队、巴林队、印尼队同组,堪称不折不扣的“死亡之组”。 | The draw for the Asian zone's 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifiers, featuring 18 teams, took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Chinese national team was drawn into Group C, which is widely regarded as the "Group of Death," alongside Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Indonesia.
##世界杯 #国足 #足球

