[JAPAN VLOG] japan aesthetic diaries in okinawa. filmed bydigital camera

Thank you for watching!
In this vlog, I went to Ishigaki Island to escape from the noisiness from big city Tokyo and spend on the island for a week. The weather in the beginning April was quite nice and not too hot and not too cold. We love warm weather so I was happy all the time. We did canyoning in Iriomote Island, bus trip, cycling in Taketomi island, chill at beach. This purpose of this trip was enjoying slow life. That's why I didn't film constantly just when I feel like filming and want to capture something I moved.
Enjoy my video ;)
• Sufjan Stevens - Myste...
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💌social media
insta : @aoiyasumori_ aoiyasumori...
- how old are you? 20 (2003.10.29)
- what's your next trip? I'm planning go to island in Kagoshima :)
-what do you study? social studies and my major will be US politics and culture.
- what language do you speak? Japanese, English and just start leaning Spanish and Romanian.
- where do you live? Tokyo, Japan
- where is your fav area in Japan? Beppu, Ishigaki island
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Пікірлер: 1

  • @et0nn603
    @et0nn6033 ай бұрын

    Will is looking huge
