„Grenzen-Los!" - inclusive dance project - Münster 2021 . Live music - Dorota Konchevska.


„Grenzen-Los!" - "Borders gone! "is the theme of the inclusive dance project week from the multi-generational house and mothers' center MuM e.V. in Münster-Gievenbeck. People with various physical and mental conditions have been moving with each other since Monday, led by dance artists Juan Urbina and Linda Waldhoff, musically supported by Dorota Konchevska and filmmakingly accompanied by v On Clive Tanner. The project is supported by the Social Culture Fund and the city of Münster
#muenster #lwlmuseum
MuM Mehrgenerationenhaus & Mütterzentrum e.V. Münster
LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur
Choreography - Linda Waldhoff , Juan Urbina
Video - Clive Tanner
Music - Dorota Konchevska
Candy Spirendi

