Green Recycling Automated Waste Recycling


Green Recycling's latest Fully Automated Materials Recycling Facility.
With labour availability ever decreasing, Green Recycling took the opportunity to install the latest technology for waste recycling.
Using Tomra Autosort 5's and other new waste technology, Green Recycling have created a fully automatic recycling process.
With the automatic sorting of Paper, Wood, Cardboard, Metal, Plastic Film and Plastic Bottles, Tubs, Trays and Tubs - Green Recycling have significantly improved their recycling throughput and efficiency.
Recycling has always been a difficult industry to find manual labour , its a harsh, dirty environment. Our staff availability for waste sorting has become harder and harder to source... with this in mind, we have employed the latest technology to aid this. Staff that we had on the picking line before the upgrade have now been re-educated and employed on a full time basis with a higher skilled and more technical role.
This has futured proofed, the business for many years to come and now offers higher paid jobs and longer, safer careers for our workers.

