Great Things // Blessed Be Your Name (WL/Bass/MD) | Moment of Worship @Charis Mission Church


Transitioned from Give Me Jesus into these two faster songs! Unfortunately, the balance was off on these bass-led videos...wish I could have raised the other parts more/lowered my bass level! Over time, these things should improve! More details to follow in the POC section below!
- You can instruct your team members to be ready for an extended two part intro while you prepare your congregation to transition from a song of invitation and meditation (the first song) straight into a song or two of adoration and celebration! For instance, everyone could drone the 1 chord and the cymbals would swell while you invite the congregation for a clap offering and shouts of praise ("amen!") to a God who is worthy to be praised. Right away, the next song's track would start ("intro, 1, 2, 3, 4") AS you address the congregation in a change of pace--invitation into adoration.
- when it comes to leading praise, one can combine song leading with music directing in many different types of ways. This can become a very long and debatable conversation, but one "logically positive statement" I can make is: using click and tracks is simply one TOOL to guide the band and the leader to playing the instrumental parts of an intro and structural parts of the song in a cohesive manner. This can be done especially well when the worship leader is effective and well-accustomed to ministering to the congregation in between songs. This means the WL is able to keep comments short and relevant when, for example, guiding the congregation into a word of Scripture or inviting them to clap or raise their hands to sing to God.
- when it comes to two back-to-back upbeat worship songs, it's a very good strategy to end the first fast song with cymbal swells and then go right into a quarter kick while keeping to the click track right away (without missing a single beat). This will allow the bassist to pluck eighth notes on the 1 and the electric to do a staccato'ed power chord arpeggio or something of the sort. With some dotted eighth delay and the right amount of spread, as well as a blues-y keyboard riff in the beginning, this three-four piece intro technique can be very effective way to transition into a second upbeat praise song!
#worshipislife #worshipbass #worshipleader #MDlife #worshipcoachlife

