[GON]VANNER主舞的自尊心-舞蹈挑戰 [偶像聯盟]


challenge曲目 : ZICO - new thing / NEW JEANS - omg / SEVENTEEN - 孫悟空 / PSY - that that
難怪被VANNER社長百般說服他加入團員.(* ^ ω ^).

Пікірлер: 8

  • @panangi105
    @panangi105 Жыл бұрын

    這是我在K909節目GON的直拍下寫的英文留言,想讓中文圈的人也能看到,然後看完快去看GON的直拍吧,真心不騙;GON是一個非常優秀的歌手和舞者,但他的長相並不符合韓國男偶像的主流審美。 他並沒有煞費苦心地雕刻和改造自己的臉,使它潔白無瑕。 外表粗獷,充滿野性的陽剛之氣,但我想正是因為他與眾不同的外表,打破了人們對偶像的刻板印象。 他告訴人們,不完美也可以是一種美,堅強自信的舞台表演才是讓觀眾看到自己的最大武器。 其實我很佩服他。 例如,他從不掩飾自己身體上的缺陷; 牙套或突出的顱骨常常顯示出他獨特的外貌。 在舞台上跳舞唱歌時,他非常引人注目和自信。 他在表演中表現出一種無所畏懼的精神,他以自己為王,舞台就是他的王國,他掌管著自己的王國,所有看到他表演的人都會被感動和敬仰,不自覺地臣服在他的腳下。

  • @jyd9128


    Жыл бұрын

    I used a translator. It could be a little awkward. I agree with you. I am Korean and have liked K-pop for 16 years. GON of Vanner showed a high-quality dance because he was a dancer. He looks like a performance position, but he's a perfect artist who can sing, rap, and produce everything. I look forward to his growth. And Thank you so much for the comments from overseas fans. I want to support Vanner with you for a long time. I was touched by your comment.

  • @panangi105


    Жыл бұрын

    @@jyd9128 Hi, thanks for your kind reply. I am Taiwan VVS, and I am going to Taiwan to watch their concert. It's been 7 years since I first fell in love with SEVENTEEN and became their fan. I watched peak time and they sang "Adore U". When I met them for the first time, I found that they had many experiences similar to the early development of SEVENTEEN. The five of them can sing a song of thirteen people and integrate their own style into the song. In the process of watching the show, I gradually fell in love with them. I hope GON doesn't change his personal traits which always make him more different from others on stage. He's not a so-called factory icon, but a great performer. VANNER and GON deserve a better and bigger stage.

  • @currywu5275


    8 ай бұрын


  • @wulucy9058
    @wulucy9058 Жыл бұрын

    Gon從PKT預選到現在真的自信很多,明明實力很不錯又是科班出身,但現實把他消磨殆盡,幸好參加了PKT讓大眾看見他,現在的他跳舞游刃有餘,有自信還可以即興添加很多可愛小動作在裡頭,看他跳舞實在是眼睛享福到不行❤ 非主流審美長相完全是我的菜,可愛小恐龍呀🎉🎉🎉

  • @currywu5275
    @currywu52758 ай бұрын

  • @yesman9058
    @yesman9058 Жыл бұрын


  • @VVS_ezz
    @VVS_ezz10 ай бұрын

    🫠 ❤
