Global Youth Service Day 2022


Established in 1988, Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) is the largest service event in the world and the only day of service dedicated to children and youth. Every year, the Clinton Foundation celebrates GYSD with a special service-learning program and Day of Action service opportunity. This Day of Action provides a platform where everyone can give back and inspire others to come together to make a difference.
For GYSD 2022, the Clinton Center hosted a virtual “call to action,” with the theme of “using your voice and your vote to make a difference.” Students heard from Kwami Abdul-Bey, a student at the Clinton School of Public Service and co-convener of the Arkansas Peace and Justice Memorial Movement. The program concluded with a presentation from a local advertising firm about how to create a public service announcement. Students were encouraged to create their own PSA - as a group or individually - to demonstrate how they can use their voices to help others.

