Generative AI Summit 2024: Is copyright law up to the challenge?

LIVE am 5. März 2024 auf #KZread und
Gemeinsam mit KI-Industrie und Kreativbranche sowie Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft und Gesetzgebung werden wir Chancen und Herausforderungen generativer #ki diskutieren, um Bedarf und Optionen einer zukünftigen Regulierung zu bewerten.
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LIVE March 5, 2024 on #KZread and
The increasing use of generative AI technology raises a variety of issues related to copyright. On March 5, 2024, the Federal Ministry of Justice will host an international conference to discuss the most pressing of these issues together with professionals from the AI industry and creative sectors as well as academic experts and law makers. In the form of moderated panel discussions, opportunities and challenges of generative AI will be explored in order to evaluate the need and options for future regulation.
