Future PFCC Ana Savage Gunn addressing WNC requesting regarding DBS checks of Council staff 21/03/24

Ana Savage Gunn addressing the West Northants Council on how domestic abuse and violence hides in the shadows, referencing the Angiolini Inquiry and requesting that all Councillors are DBS checked and those responsible for safeguarding and vulnerable persons are subject to enhanced DBS checked.
ASG takes aim at the national ridicule the County has been subjected to with, with Peter Bone, Nick Adderley and Stephen Mold all dragging Northants into the headlines, miring us in scandal, each with their own separate equally horrific headlines they made and continue to make.
The DBS checks she has requested are mandatory, may lead to issues with Cllr Jonathan Nunn reported in 2022 heading up an anti violence initiative with the aforementioned Stephen Mold, flanked by Superintendent Joseph Banfield while himself being subject to a prior conviction for assaulting his then wife that neither party saw fit to mention and found him a suitable person to spearhead the initiative.

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