Funhouse 2.0 Rudy's Nightmare Gameplay

Play the original and take it to the next level ALL in the same machine!! :-) :-) :-)
Sorry in advance and please try to ignore my 12,000 "uhh's and umm's" It was 17 takes in (camera issues, phone ringing, computer problems, someone at the door, had to eat, shoveling snow, draining balls issues, repeat..).
I was getting a little impatient, but trying to stay positive. The gameplay hopefully speaks better than I did today; but wanted to get this out there for you all asap. So, here it is, and please don't hate. I will try to do better next time ;-)
My personal FH has had some led and clock flashers needing replaced for awhile. E.g. the clock flashers don't flash with the scoop kickout...barely visible leds at times..etc. Don't pay attention too close to my lighting, or random bad playfield issues, and watch some of the other beta testers vids (coming soon to a channel near you) for the overall gist of the little things like that
Melt the Clone gets progressively harder each time (I didn't explain that)
There are a lot of small things currently being fine tuned (absolutely perfect Rudy's mouth sync is amazing but not perfect, more sfx, more flasher integration, potentially extra modes and difficulty settings, more callouts, little bugs etc. and this will continue to be updated until it is 99.999% polished. We, beta testers, feel like it's about 95+% how it stands. :)
Pedretti and Co. are on the ball, keeping things rolling (pun intended), and we will ALL continue to make this a success...and thank you ALL for what you have already contributed with your advice :-)
Different and more fun times are ready to be had NOW in the Funhouse!! :-) :-) :-)
P.s. The overview of gameplay and rules can be found on Pinside :-)
