From mushrooms, ayahuasca, DMT, buddhism to Jesus - My testimony (1/2)

This is my story of taking a few years off to seek spiritually which took me down the path of Burning Man, mushrooms, LSD, ayahuasca, DMT, energy healing schools, crystals, yoga retreats and weeks of silent Buddhist meditation retreats. I ultimately had an encounter with Jesus while in India at Sadhguru's yoga ashram and again after encountering a demon at a Vipassana meditation retreat. I now happily follow Christ and have found more peace and contentment than I ever had in these years.
I speak a little slow so feel free to speed up the playback.
Part 2 here: • Part 2 - My encounter ...

Пікірлер: 707

  • @Lunariss_
    @Lunariss_ Жыл бұрын

    If you are TRULY a truth seeker and never stop - you’ll always end up at Jesus !

  • @jasminemariedarling
    @jasminemariedarling Жыл бұрын

    Fellow truth-seeker! Love hearing these experiences. Oh, the humility it took when I finally realized that the only faith path I dismissed is actually the Truth. Jesus is the only way.

  • @annalisa_ASMR

    Been a truth seeker 24 years my whole life. Every healing provided was only temporary and led to so much more trauma. Tried all psychedelics and my last mushroom trip I literally lost my mind and it was the most terrifying awful experience of my life. In the process of surrendering to Jesus now ♥️

  • @ChristinaPistone
    @ChristinaPistone Жыл бұрын

    Wow my testimony is pretty similar to yours. I love this so much. I was born and raised Christian but fell prey to the spiritual new age community for the past 15 years.. what a sad, confusing, false rooted, self centered, dark spiral that was. Always seeking and never truly finding. I came back to Jesus recently and have never felt so much peace, love, and clarity in my life! God was so patient with me and all my mistakes. I hope everyone gets to experience his love. Jesus is king!

  • @co34
    @co34 Жыл бұрын

    You spend a fortune to seek the truth - to find out, that the deepest & perfect healing and love comes from Jesus Christ who gives it to every soul for free,. This is what i call a loving God, praise his holy name.

  • @valentinabarriaaguila3546
    @valentinabarriaaguila3546 Жыл бұрын

    Waaaw, I found your video and I must say I love your humbleness, purity, honesty. Such beautiful testimonial. I'm not a christian, I'm into all the things people call new age, but since a month I feel like I'm slowly starting to move away from it, I think, I don't know, something is def shifting inside of me for sure. I'm looking for answers and I'm very curious about God, Jesus,... and sadly there are many cristians that give me an icky feeling, so I'm looking for humble people like you to tell about their experience. I have sooo many questions...

  • @Eve90
    @Eve90 Жыл бұрын

    Everyone wants to bypass Jesus because he is the truth and the truth convicts and everyone wants to run away from conviction not understanding what a blessing that conviction is because you have a chance to turn to God and repent. Hallelujah.

  • @DevinsCalisthenics
    @DevinsCalisthenics Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing! I've had very similar experiences, over the process of about 40 years: catholicism, atheism, drugs, wicca, 17 years of yoga practice, 10 years of teaching yoga, crystals, Reiki, psychic courses...the new age never ends and never truly fulfills. Thank God, I came back to Jesus, God Bless you!

  • @Body.By.Bennett
    @Body.By.Bennett Жыл бұрын

    I really resonate with all this. Felt like the work was non stop. Always psycho analyzing and journaling and meditating and going in circles. Mania, depersonalization, intrusive thoughts, weird heat and energy sensations within. All that went away when I gave my life to Jesus Christ. Thank you Jesus!!!

  • @jennyloohoo
    @jennyloohoo Жыл бұрын

    I kind of came to the same conclusion around the same way. I grew up Christian as well. Jesus was right in front of us the whole time! He was probably saying, you don't have to work that hard to find me!

  • @staypresent6356
    @staypresent6356 Жыл бұрын

    I so resonated with this testimony, Chris. It was never enough. I was constantly looking, seeking, and was still so tired and so heartbroken. God keeps calling his children home - and it takes a lot of humility to let go of the reigns and find our Father ❤

  • @kelenl5033
    @kelenl5033 Жыл бұрын

    I was Buddhist since growing up but God lifted me out of it. Great testimony.

  • @sebastienberger1112
    @sebastienberger1112 Жыл бұрын

    I had a similar journey until I found Jesus; or he found me.

  • @jeffreygose4209
    @jeffreygose4209 Жыл бұрын

    Though the Book of Enoch is not considered canonical, I discovered this verse that resonated with me in regards to Ayahuasca Enoch

  • @joshuachaffin1858
    @joshuachaffin1858 Жыл бұрын

    Praise the lord!! I had a young adulthood filled with seeking through meditation, out of body experiences and psychedelics. Nothing has influenced me the way Christ has. Much love man. I’m praise Jesus.

  • @Lotus1087
    @Lotus1087 Жыл бұрын

    Jesus called me back to him after 15 years of rejecting him and searching for something to believe in. 🙌

  • @mamacas102w

    Thank you Chris for taking the time to share your journey with us. It takes alot of money to do what you did, so by sharing your walk with those of us who have no money, is truly a blessing.

  • @originalmamagrizzly2478
    @originalmamagrizzly2478 Жыл бұрын

    SO grateful for all these testimonies!! Praise the Lord!!

  • @KanakaMaoli713
    @KanakaMaoli713 Жыл бұрын

    I was an agnostic on the verge of suicide. Then I believed (after a vision of Jesus and miraculous deliverance from post partum depression). Then I drifted (dabbled new age spirituality). Then I remembered JESUS delivered me from torment and despair. Not Buddha not Muhammad not TM not shamans. And although I’m still a seeker and both spiritual and religious, that childhood song sums up my faith so well. “I have decided to follow Jesus… no turning back no turning back.” ☺️

  • @stefanlouw6395
    @stefanlouw639519 сағат бұрын

    Beautiful story and testimony, I find myself coming back to this one again and again. Jesus has moved in your life in truly profound ways. Jesus is Alive✝
