Friends of the Mississippi River

It's hard to believe FMR turned 25 this year!
To celebrate our silver anniversary, we created this video to honor not only our accomplishments and but the beauty and power of our local national park and all the volunteers, advocates and partners who work to protect and restore it.
We highly recommend watching in full screen. Enjoy!
Inspired to help protect and restore our river? Find out how you can get involved:
Special thanks to:
Videographers Donnie Koshiol of River Street Creative for producing this video, along with FMR volunteers Tom Reiter and Will Stock
Interviewees and video stars, in order of appearance:
• Sharon Day, Executive Director, Indigenous Peoples Task Force
• Karen Solas, SuperVolunteer, Friends of the Mississippi River
• John O. Anfinson, PhD, Superintendent, Mississippi National River and Recreation Area
• Ruth Rechtzigel, Former Landowner, Pine Bend Scientific & Natural Area
• Habitat restorers and storm drain stencilers Daurius Mikroberts, Ray Prince, Ben and Astoria
• Stacy Enzmann and Allan Tokuda, SuperVolunteers, Friends of the Mississippi River
• Katie Sieben, Commissioner, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
• John Linc Stine, Commissioner, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
• Kate Wolford, President, McKnight Foundation
• Deborah Swackhamer, PhD, Professor Emerita, University of Minnesota & Former Chair, EPA Science Advisory Board
• Adair Mosley, Executive Director, Pillsbury United Communities
• Linda Moua, Volunteer, Friends of the Mississippi River
