
Friday testimony is a series of interviews with everyday people who have had personal battles and won in different ways. At some point in our lives we will face trials and tribulations and this is the one thing we all will have in common ( we all will face trouble)
These video are here to encourage and bring comfort that you are not alone in your battles and you can overcome and let your circumstances be the foundation of your success.
Today video is with Dean who has fought cancer for the last few years. After acquiring his perfect jobs he had found out he had cancer and would have to leave his dream employment. Dean not only finding out that his illness would prevent him continuing his profession has also recently had to make the tough decision to have his leg amputated.
With all this Dean has every right not to be joyful, to be angry with God and life but the opposite is true. Through the trials Dean has found peace and joy and also a role better than the one he had to give up
Watch the video to find out more about Dean Story and be blessed that your trials can be the foundation of your future success. Watch out for the statement of the interview "WHY NOT ME"
We are more than conquers!
