Freya Lindeck - Aerial Straps | FD2 Devised

Freya Lindeck FD2 Devised
Find out more about our circus arts higher education programme here:
Filming and editing by Ibrahim Ahmed & Raffia Rahman
What part of this do you not understand | Aerial straps
You know you’re right.
You know that feeling, when you’re mid argument, and you’re explaining your point, and you’re right. But with every point you add your argument becomes more convoluted, less clear, and slowly spirals into ‘unreasonable’ nonsense. But you’re still right and they just can’t see it.
This is that feeling.
In a society that for so long has repressed female expressions of anger and frustration, turning the feelings into something impossible to process. I wanted to use straps to explore physicalising the twists and turns of an argument and how hard it is to get your point across while retaining sense.
