Fresh Marketing in 2023 | AI + Automation | chatGPT + Mid Journey + Zapier

My Fresh Marketing Toolkit for 2023
Is your marketing strategy outdated?
3 tips on making marketing fresh in 2023:
1. AI Copy: Tuned to your audience and generated 5x to 10x faster with the help of intuitive AI.
Favorite tool: #chatgpt
2. AI Images: Custom-generated images for social media posts, web pages, blog articles, or any content, really.
Favorite tool: #midjourney
3. No-code Automation: Automate marketing tasks with no-code data manipulation.
ie. Contact form info - CRM entry - Email Campaign - Sale - Valuable data insights.
Favorite tool: #zapier
Make 2023 the year you overcome discomfort with new ways of marketing.
Things are moving fast.
We need to adapt.
Old ways = extinction.
And there's just no coming back from that. 🙂

