Freedom from Torture | ECHR

#Europe #Law #Education
The European Law Academy represents a project to provide high quality legal education for those who are students of, or simply just interested in, European Law. European Law is a highly complex and relatively modern development in the broader corpus of National and International Legal systems. The main focus of this channel will be on two major institutions:
The European Union
The European Court of Human Rights
From these two institutions come an array of different legal issues and topics for discussion. Subscribe for more!
Citations & Sources
- B. Rainey et al, Jacobs, White and Ovey: The European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford University Press, 2020).
- A. Facchi, An Introduction to Fundamental Rights in Europe: History, Theory and Cases (EE Publishing, 2022).
Further Reading
- J. Gerards, General Principles of the European Convention on Human Rights (2nd edn, Cambridge University Press, 2023).
- W.A. Schabas, The European Convention on Human Rights: A Commentary (Oxford University Press, 2017).
If you are looking for Law specific to the jurisdiction of England and Wales, head over the Law Academy channel for more information! If you are looking specifically for Public International Law, head over to the international law academy!
EU, European Union, Law, European Law, EU Law, single market, legal education, law degree, criminal law, philosophy, history of law, history, economics, Brexit, LLB, LLM, direct effect, EU commission, indirect effect, preliminary references, judicial review, free movement, EU Competition law, competition law, immigration law, free movement of people

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