Frank Furedi | The War Against National Belonging | NatCon UK

Frank Furedi's address at the London National Conservatism Conference on May 15, 2023.

Пікірлер: 53

  • @MarI-Posa
    @MarI-Posa Жыл бұрын

    Love Frank. Just filled with humanity and common sense

  • @lenwilkinson672
    @lenwilkinson672 Жыл бұрын

    What a great speech.B.B.C. would never have the. Courage or the decency to televise this man’s speech.that’s how low they have become.They no longer posses any principles they once had.

  • @nonfictionone


    Жыл бұрын

    From their perspective you would have to consider giving the local lunatic the microphone. The way you think about that as an idea is how they see this.

  • @chrissymac8204
    @chrissymac8204 Жыл бұрын

    So true! He points to the root of the problems! Great speech!

  • @gerrytyrrell1507
    @gerrytyrrell1507 Жыл бұрын

    Listening in from woke Ireland

  • @The.Android


    Жыл бұрын

    Seems like The Troubles were all for nothing.

  • @70AD-user45


    Жыл бұрын

    Hi Ireland. This looney left woke ideology is creeping all over the western world like a cancer. It has to be removed permanently before they infect all of us.

  • @Electriclentilman
    @Electriclentilman Жыл бұрын

    Brussels definitely give me bubbles. Frank is correct here , and any rational person knows it , and feels it in their soul .

  • @marionreynolds7080
    @marionreynolds7080 Жыл бұрын

    Bravo Frank.

  • @dry5555
    @dry5555 Жыл бұрын

    Awesome speech.

  • @nioengland
    @nioengland Жыл бұрын

    The best and brightest is fiercely nationalist.. with a strong sense of place and connection to these Great British isles although a man of the world.. he still considers himself as english.. first and foremost He must be impartial.. he must care for all but that does not mean he cannot see England and the british isles as the greatest nation ever A competitive spirit is helpful.. it adds more to life through sport and competition.. and it brings that never say die attitude that resilience and determination we are nothing without it So what do the yamps at the BBC know.. they forfeited their place on planet earth many years ago.. this is the land of legends So only heroes and legends are welcome here Let them fight for their grotty causes.. we will see how long they will last

  • @sueedwards9334
    @sueedwards9334 Жыл бұрын

    I have also had the ‘it’s outdated’ claim from those on the left.

  • @gsr4535
    @gsr4535 Жыл бұрын

    Just came back from a visit to Japan (I am an American). I envy their sense of national community. The US once had that type feeling, before the effects of endless immigration and open borders were felt, now gone, the US is adrift and ripe for dissolution into smaller "nations" with strong super majorities in each,

  • @hemlock527
    @hemlock527 Жыл бұрын

    If in doubt (of whether you're on the right or wrong side of history), ask yourself whether you're wiiling or not to subject your views to debate in the public square? Would you support deplatforming political opponents or welcome the opportunity to debate them in the presence of others to witness?

  • @PMKehoe


    Жыл бұрын

    Yes; the operative words here being ‘debate’ and ‘public’… in many ways now lost reference points…

  • @helensmith6670
    @helensmith6670 Жыл бұрын

    Such a great speech! I have to memorize it word by word. Chapeau bas!

  • @adrianarchie
    @adrianarchie Жыл бұрын

    thank you

  • @erikringdal844
    @erikringdal844 Жыл бұрын

    A strange consequence from national socialism after second world war is that socialism is still widely accepted, but nationalism is vilified

  • @nonfictionone


    Жыл бұрын

    And the silly thing is you can’t tell the difference. They’re just labels. China is ‘communist’ (most capitalist country in the world). North Korea is democratic, etc. They’re all just dictators and they put a label on it. Never believe the label. Always look at the behaviour.

  • @nonfictionone


    Жыл бұрын

    ‘In Brussels every single identity is celebrated’ White men?

  • @nathanngumi8467
    @nathanngumi8467 Жыл бұрын


  • @LS-xs7sg
    @LS-xs7sg3 ай бұрын

    Read the screwtape letters. Lewis was talking about how non-judgementalism and “democratic values” would be used against people half a century ago

  • @Puglia506
    @Puglia506 Жыл бұрын

    I also used to be far left, but Our Lord Jesus Christ rescued me!

  • @1luarluar1
    @1luarluar1 Жыл бұрын

    MANUALE DI STRATEGIA PER DISARMARE IL POTERE Alcune parole di premessa: Per disarmare il potere occorrono una serie di azioni che devono essere adottate contemporaneamente. Attualmente non esiste alcuna strategia da parte di nessuna forza del dissenso che si limita ad informare i cittadini in maniera poco efficiente principalmente su mezzi digitali controllati dallo stesso potere. Ci sono timidi tentativi di uscire da questa gabbia digitale attraverso libri e manifestazioni e tentativi di raggiungere posizioni di responsabilita' politica. Questi sforzi, seppure encomiabili e da applaudire, sono fondamentalmente insufficienti. Sembra che tutte le forze del dissenso seguano lo stesso copione: sembra che si autolimitino informando sostanzialmente un circolo chiuso di persone. Il potere conosce perfettamente le percentuali del dissenso e l'identita' dei gruppi resistenti dato che questi operano sostanzialmente nel regno digitale sotto il suo controllo pervasivo; questa asimmetria informativa da un vantaggio strategico assolutamente favorevole al potere. La conclusione e' impietosa e molto chiara: gli sforzi messi in campo per contrastare il potere sono del tutto insufficienti. Come fare allora? Semplice, talmente semplice che fino ad ora nessuno lo ha mai espresso in maniera diretta: bisogna semplicemente elaborare una strategia precisa che deve essere eseguita da tutte le forze della resistenza utilizzando l'arma che il potere teme di più in assoluto: l'esercito dei cittadini. IL COMITATO STRATEGICO Le forze della resistenza devono formalmente costituire un Comitato Strategico formato da persone di eccezionale intelligenza creativa ma aperto anche ai preziosi suggerimenti dei cittadini per elaborare la strategia che disarticolerà il potere: questo comitato diventerà poi il collante naturale che unirà le forze del dissenso mantenendone le rispettive individualità e personalità. L'attività del Comitato verra' finanziato dal contributo delle forze del dissenso che potranno raccogliere i fondi necessari dai cittadini. Il Comitato avrà il compito principale di formulare una strategia con lo scopo di disarticolare un potere violento che sta cercando di limitare sensibilmente i diritti di libertà e di benessere dei cittadini. Il Comitato dovra' inoltre assicurarsi di comunicare sistematicamente la strategia a tutte le forze del dissenso coordinando le diverse attivita di resistenza e assicurandosi che i cittadini vengano costantemente coinvolti come protagonisti della azione di resistenza. Come normale cittadino e come promotore di questa iniziativa rivoluzionaria mi permetto di suggerire le seguenti idee che andranno poi discusse in seno al Comitato Strategico così come tutte le idee di altri cittadini: be continued...

  • @JackScotcher
    @JackScotcher Жыл бұрын

    His wife has an executive position working for an international abortion clinic. This seems in stark contrast to conservative leaning.

  • @kailashpatel1706


    11 ай бұрын

    Do you know Furedi was once part of an organisation called the Revolutionary Communist Party, RCP and had a magazine called Living Marxism...its surreal or unreal to see him here as a headliner at a National Conservatism Conference..

  • @midlander8186
    @midlander8186 Жыл бұрын

    A little disappointing on the topics of national identity, nationhood, and secession, which, however, were not the main subjects of his talk. Would Furedi oppose Scottish independence, Brexit, or secession of states from the US or provinces from Canada? Presumably, Furedi supports the right of secession from the EU and perhaps the EU system's requiring consensus for EU laws, but should national authority be maximally or minimally centralized, and why should EU authority require consensus?

  • @clarencebaldwin2424
    @clarencebaldwin2424 Жыл бұрын

    There is no such thing as judeo-Christian. Jewish people lived as a separate class in Christian societies historically. Jews also reject the divinity of Jesus. Please stop using this phrase.

  • @ICPR1200
    @ICPR1200 Жыл бұрын

    Since when are 'Revolutionary Communists' 'conservative?

  • @aaaaaaaaaaghghghg


    Жыл бұрын

    since he wrote a number of interesting works on the need for borders and defense of national values

  • @ICPR1200


    Жыл бұрын

    @@aaaaaaaaaaghghghg I'm sure the devil plays a mean guitar, but I wouldn't want him in my band. Some lessons never seem to be learned.

  • @aaaaaaaaaaghghghg


    Жыл бұрын

    @@ICPR1200 one can learn from someone who you don’t align with completely on ideological terms. Great lessons can be found in the works of many of the preeminent thinkers, even if each of them do not agree with one another. It’s about listening and learning and taking what you can from all those who know more than you. It’s not that complicated.

  • @ICPR1200


    Жыл бұрын

    @@aaaaaaaaaaghghghg Like I said, some lessons are never learned. That's why you have a Uniparty, and on this basis, so will you ever more.

  • @kbeetles


    Жыл бұрын

    "Some lessons are never learned" sounds like a deep truth ( e.g. human hubris is dangerous, the more opportunity you give to temptation, the more you will slide down on the proverbial slide into a deep pitch etc....). When it comes to politics, your slogan does not work. Why ex-socialis Eastern European countries are more resistent to lies by politicians is because people learnt a very hard lesson. F Füredi also comes from Hungary- where a sense of national belonging through culture is still pretty strong! I know - I am Hungarian, too!