Former Caprivi Council Chief Speaks Out

Former Caprivi Regional Council Chief Regional Officer , Mr. Patrick Itwa Likando wants government to pay his salaries.
In an exclusive interview with Caprivi Vision editor Risco Lumamezi, Mr. Likando who is one of the 35 Caprivians who were found not guilty on the long trial of the Caprivi High Treason by the Windhoek High Court on September 15, 2015 after spending 16 years in Namibian prisons on suspicions of conspiracy.
He was arrested by the Namibian Police on August 4, 1999 during the state of emergency.
He told Caprivi Vision that since he was found not guilty by the competent court he therefore deserve to be paid fairly.
He expressed concerns to the administrative action happened to him “ i have never seen an issue of injustice which has just happened to us where have you seen in this world that the day you are arrested that is the day you are discharged from employment ?.” he asked.

