Follow Your Heart!

Do you value what feels good to you?
Society doesn’t teach us to follow what feels good to us because there’s this concern that you’ll end up doing something wrong, something selfish or something not good for you or for others.
What feels good to you now in your head - which is the need for instant gratification - has a big difference from tuning in to that deeper knowing of what is good for you in your heart- your soul’s calling, your heart's deepest desires.
We don’t grow up learning to value that or how to do that. Instead, we grow up learning how to look to others for what we need to be doing. We tend to try to please and impress others when our true mission is to learn to follow our intuitive heart-centred whisperings of our soul. That is what we need to be doing-tuning in to the whisperings of our soul.
I believe there’s nothing more important that you could be asking yourself and following than your heart’s deepest desires.
You need to have space to tune in to the whisperings of your soul and follow what truly feels good to you in your heart. And I promise you that the decisions you make from this place will be the best decisions you could ever make.
Kelly x
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