Fly the Flag 2023 - Amina Atiq


DaDa Fellow Amina Atiq responds to the question 'What do Human Rights mean for you?' as part of the 'Fly the Flag' campaign to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on Sunday 10th December 2023.
Amina Atiq is a Yemeni-scouse published poet, award-winning community activist and performance artist, and is one of our DaDa Fellows. A BBC Words First 2019 Finalist and Young Associate for Curious Minds. Poet in Residence for Queensland Poetry Festival 2020-21 and Metal Southend.
Amina has developed her solo show, 'Broken Biscuits' to explore gran-mothers 1970s Yemeni-British household. In 2020, she produced a short documentary, 'Unheard Voices', commissioned by DadaFest capturing the stories of Yemeni shopkeepers in Liverpool. 'Unheard Voices' was later broadcast on Belgees TV and translated in Arabic.  
This video shows the BSL interpretation of Amina's work for Fly the Flag and a text only version can be viewed here:

