#starwars #reaction #disney

Пікірлер: 379

  • @iwkmsNOW

    interesting fact, when luke is talking to vader after removing his mask, you can hear the blasters in the back, but the thing is, there were no rebeliants on the death star, so the blasters being fired is the sound of stormtroopers killing one another for the place on the spaceships to escape the deathstar that was about to be destroyed

  • @patrickwaldeck6681

    I saw this as a very young kid in the theater in 1983; I was eight years old. There were grown ass men freaking out in the aisles when Luke was getting fried by Palpatine SHOUTING AT THE SCREEN for Vader to help, literally yelling HE'S YOUR SON! HELP HIM! Back then there were no special editions yet and Vader didn't scream no, he just looked between the Emperor and Luke, picked that old asshole up, and hurled his ass into the Death Star. The entire room ROARED in victory, I didn't see an audience react like that until Avengers: Endgame decades later.

  • @sammiebray1661

    Vaders suit was more then just a fashion statement. The suit was packed full of life support tech (the breathing sound was literally him breathing with the assistance of a respirator). It was also designed by the Emperor to hinder Anakins movements and keep him in constant pain so the he couldn't easily rise up against the Emperor. Part of being a Sith is constantly trying to take as much power as possible, so Sith were known to turn on their masters or apprentices fairly commonly as power plays.

  • @afropunkx

    You do get R2D2s personality without understanding him, in fact you could argue that his personality is portrayed so well that you can actually understand him ,Especially when he is being sassy which is like 80% of the time haha. This paired with C3PO translating parts for us is perfect. The 'selling drinks' part for example.

  • @YezaOutcast

    some facts about the 2nd deathstar: it was almost twice as big as the first one and apart from not having the obvious designflaw anymore, it had another big advantage. the first DS's main mega-laser planet killer weapon had to recharge 24 hours for another blast. the 2nd just needs a few minutes between blasts.

  • @ros9764

    Characters like R2 not talking is part of the charm. You're supposed to interpret the script yourself using clues that C3PO gives to the audience. It's brilliant writing in my opinion

  • @MikeSiegert

    Luke’s plan is to send the droids in as a “gift” to get his lightsaber inside (or else it would have been taken from him), send Leia to release Han from the carbon freeze, get captured himself (the Rancor was not planned but he handled it), then escape all together with Lando’s help. Kinda a mess but it all worked out as planned.

  • @TheHessian123

    Baby Yoda is just a member of Yoda's species, he is not necessarily related to Yoda.

  • @scottphillips6005

    Leia is actually a lot more like Anakin whereas Luke was more like Padme - it would have been easier to turn Leia to the dark side.

  • @kevinbell5674

    Nothing involving Jabba was CGI. He was one giant pratical effect. It required the use of both animatronics and actual puppeteers to make Jabba work.

  • @YezaOutcast

    the star wars universe has thousands of languages. the main language is called basic and is the one you saw on the computer screen in the beginning of the movie and most humanoids speak. hutteese is a common language in the outer rim territories and is the native language of the hutts, the species of jabba, the crime boss on tattooine. the language for example R2D2 beeps is called binary and is understood by most computersystems and other droids.

  • @williamjones6031

    1. Best guess is that Han was Jabba's "trophy" for about a year and a half before the rescue.

  • @visionaryventures12

    In the original release and until this special edition, Anakin Skywalker’s ghost at the end looked like a healthy version of the old man in Darth’s suit. He grins directly at Luke proudly and tilts his head towards his friend, Obi Wan. Look for it on KZread.

  • @SkyBlueFox1

    While ESB is the most popular movie of the original trio, I have a really big soft-spot for Luke and Vader's conversation on Endor (

  • @Splinterfist7

    About Leia and Luke kisses, she mentioned somehow she knows. That's means she felt something for him but she cannot explain, a kind of attraction like a connection, an affective love but she doesn't really know they are brothers. This attraction is less of what she felt for Solo. When he told her, she cleared his mind about what was her feelings with Luke. But about the kisses, I belived becase Carrie Fisher was that way. I miss her so much u.u

  • @Leekle2ManE

    The emperor's overconfidence really was his downfall. Using the force, I peered into the future, saw Vader bringing Luke to him, saw the rebels being captured on Endor and saw Luke striking down Vader in anger... but didn't look beyond those moments.

  • @remar-6

    Obi was just trying to protect Luke. Didn’t want him to know his dad was the youngling slayer let alone that was the first light saber he was handed 😂

  • @robertfrancis9877

    Trust me when I tell you, the prequels have the best choreographed fights

  • @thesupersonicstig

    Jabba isn’t CGI in ROTJ. He's a massive puppet with four guys inside operating it.

  • @gruneflamme2013

    Jabba is the Gang boss because of his money and control over the "official" leaders in the Hutt controlled area space. He can order their deaths at any time. He is freakishly rich because he has gained control of all the spice mines in Hutt space after all the other gang bosses were killed. For most Hutts, the fatter you are, the higher your status is, and he moves around on his big slab bed because it hovers around. There have been Hutt Jedi and Sith though, and they were actually really fit and physically powerful warriors.