First Air-Raid Drill in USA [1938]

n 1938, as tensions rose across Europe and the specter of war loomed, the United States took a significant step in preparing its citizens for potential air attacks. This video explores the nation's first-ever air-raid drill.
At the heart of this historic event was the realization that modern warfare could reach American shores. The drill aimed to test the city's emergency response and educate the public on safety measures. Citizens participated by taking cover, blacking out lights, and following instructions broadcast over the radio.
Join us as we delve into this pivotal moment, showcasing archival radio broadcast that capture the anxiety and readiness of the era. Discover how this drill set the stage for future civil defense initiatives during World War II and shaped the country's approach to domestic security.
Learn how it was informed over radio and laying the groundwork for the comprehensive air-raid precautions that would soon become a part of daily life during the war years.
