Finalist Number 1: Mohammed Al-Issa

Bu Ebrahim, thanks for video taping. You are a star :)
District Toastmasters Annual Convention
District 79 Gulf Cooperation Countries plus Jordan and Lebanon
Gulf University for Science & Technology
State of Kuwait
20 ~ 22 May 2010
Finalist Number 1: Mohammed Al-Issa
After you have watched the speech, ask yourself these questions:
- Did it make you think?
- Could you relate to the story?
- Did it make you laugh?
- Were there messages?
The above questions are the ones used by Ed Tate [World Champion of Public Speaking of 2000] for evaluating speeches.
After you have watched all speeches, decide who should come First, Second and Third. After that, compare your judgment to those 13 Judges who were present in the Speech Contest by viewing the International Speech Contest Results Clip.
