Film, TV & Video Production (TV & Film Production)

Film, TV & Video Production (TV & Film Production) Level 5
Certification: QQI TV & Film Production Level 5, Code 5M5158
Film, TV & Video Production (Film & TV Production) Level 6
Certification: QQI Advanced Certificate: Film, TV and Video Level 6, Code 6M5159
The course introduces students to a range of techniques and skills necessary for a successful career in filmmaking, television production and content creation for the Internet. Students develop literacy in visual storytelling and design by turning their own creative ideas and concepts into fully developed films and multi-camera studio based TV programmes. They also develop proficiencies in key technical and creative areas with hands on work in camera, lighting, production design, sound, and digital editing and post production. Along with a purpose built TV studio, students work in state of the art facilities using use industry standard software for writing, editing, colour grading, and design.
