Film Material Diego iorio

Multi-disciplinary artist, documentalist, sculptor, musician, pilgrim, and ceremonial. He studied Graphic Design and Visual Arts at the University of Buenos Aires. He forms an Audio Visual Production Company called WAK Films from 2003 to 2009, as Artistic Director, Designer, and Graphic Animator, doing work for SONY BMG, Nickelodeon, MTV, AXN, Unilever, etc.
At the end of 2009, he embarked on an initial trip that lasted until the end of 2012, promoting his Documentary Project called PACHAKUTI: "The Trip." He traveled through Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia to gather the messages of various indigenous communities and individuals embracing Sumaq Kawsay, or "The Good Living". This journey aimed to create a profound message for the new era, highlighting the awakening of consciousness and unity among diverse cultures.
He is appointed Guardian of the audiovisual film material of the Great Circles of Elders of Planet Earth, creating a documentary piece of the 6th Circle of Wise Elders of the Planet made in the Valley of Cauca town of Silvia Colombia. In this way, he shares profound experiences with the wise elders where they acknowledge him as “Chaski " a messenger of the ancestral gold.
In 2016 and 2017, he produced a documentary called I AM THE CHANGE I WANT TO SEE, "The Call of the CONDOR". (Inspirational knowledge for awakening Awareness and empowering Being). In this Project, he is Director, Screenwriter, Postproduction, and Mastersound.
In 2018, he was invited by the XICOME festival in Mexico where he began traveling the world sharing screenings of audiovisual materials and leading workshops on sound, ancestry, and holistic consciousness.
In February 2019, he received an invitation to accompany the Elder from Quechua First Nation called Asyri Tayta Ullpu to the Kiva Khumbamela Ceremony in India. It was an epic journey that involved 40 Spiritual Leaders from America traveling to East India to heal the Sacred Rivers of Planet Earth. He documented the journey by producing the first Documentary chapter of a series titled "The Flight of the White Condor to the East."
In 2021, he was invited to serve as a jury member at the Surrealidades Azul Film Festival in Bogotá, Colombia. In 2020 and 2021 he travels from Colombia to Costa Rica accompanying some Mamos Elders from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Colombia to make a series of Offering Payments to restore the ancestral energy flow of the Hummingbird territory, where he films and produces an audiovisual material called “ Going back to the Law of Origin ”.
2021 He is invited to Guatemala to film a Quiche Mayan Priesthood ceremony called Ajqu'ij "Timekeepers", the event was held in the sacred territory of Quiche, the birthplace of the mythical Mayas stories of the Popol Vuh.
Currently, Diego Iorio is Developing a Project called Nation of the Fifth Sun Guardians and Communicators of Mother Earth, where conscious content is generated through documentaries, festivals, workshops, and online events. Of these actions, the event called "Guardians of Mother Earth" in Buenos Aires Argentina stands out, where they invite the Mexican Elder Alberto Ruz The Coyote, generating an event where there was an exchange between knowledgeable people of the Territory and the alliance between science, art, and spirituality. In December 2019 they make the logistics to take an elder Tehuelche Gunun a Kuna of Patagonia Arg. to a great American Kiva Ceremonial performed in Colombia San Agustin.
In times of the Pandemic, they held several Online meetings honoring the Solstices and Equinoxes, unifying the Ceremonial and the Song of different Grandmothers and wise Grandfathers of the Territories of America Abya Yala, of the North the Nation of the Eagle, the Center of the Quetzal and the South The Nation of the Cóndor. Reaching a large audience of thousands of viewers.
November 2022 is called to bring ancestry to the International Convergence of Permaculture in Misiones Argentina. Being able to make a link and invitation of ancestral references of the Guaraní First Nation.
During 2022 and 2023, he carried out several screenings of his documentaries in cultural centers and cinemas, while also delivering talks and workshops on ancestry.
On April 2023 he organized the First Forum for the Rights of Mother Earth in Argentina at the National Public University of San Martin, bringing together the vision of Indigenous Peoples and the State's environmental organizations.
Diego Iorio is actually teaching Original Film Workshops at the CUI University of Languages ​​in Argentina. Currently living in Capilla del Monte Córdoba Argentina where he carries out several of his activities recognized by the Ministry of Culture.

