Figma Pulls AI Tool After Criticism That It Ripped Off Apple’s Design - What Happened?

Figma Pulls AI Tool After Criticism That It Ripped Off Apple’s Design
Figma says they’re hitting pause on their 'Make Design' AI feature after claims that it was a knockoff of Apple’s Weather app.
In response to the mounting criticism, Figma CEO Dylan Field swiftly announced the temporary removal of the Make Designs feature.
Field took responsibility for rushing the tool's release, acknowledging that this haste may have contributed to the oversight.
He emphasized that the feature was not trained on Figma content, community files, or specific app designs, attempting to dispel accusations of direct copying.
The company's CTO, Kris Rasmussen, further clarified that the tool relies on off-the-shelf AI models and a commissioned design system, suggesting that the issue likely stemmed from these components rather than intentional replication of Apple's designs.
