
We back in 2023 with rants and hot takes. Maybe even some guides, sheesh.
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Twitter: / alzatweets
0:00 Intro for Nophica Enjoyers
1:32 FFXIV has the worst PVP
2:35 Recuperate OP
5:21 We want premade queue
7:08 Match times
8:25 PVP progression
10:28 Best Discord Server on Elemental
10:58 Crystalline Conflict
13:45 Frontlines
15:15 Rival Wings
16:52 Netcode ramble

Пікірлер: 152

  • @spiritronin
    @spiritronin Жыл бұрын

    The amount of times I can casually walk out of stuff I shouldn't be able to as monk in FL is rediculous, meawhile jobs like dancer, bard or redmage are just free kills when I see them, they can't do anything at all it's so stupid, why the hell do monks and ninja's get that rediculous amounts of DR ontop of the built in durability and mobility.

  • @Kromheim
    @Kromheim Жыл бұрын

    CC is great... just not in FFXIV with it's Server Ticks. If information came in faster it would improve alot but right now I end up using Guardian on dead people.

  • @heresfranky4702


    Жыл бұрын

    All of my yes.

  • @soranortthirteen561
    @soranortthirteen561 Жыл бұрын

    I wish purify and guard worked asap instead of relying on server ticks imo

  • @AlZahard


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, which makes them feel super janky. Experience here varies, as I know some JP players that seem to have far less problems with these, but right now it feels horrible to pop guard and still get smacked by an LB that you were anticipating.

  • @BongSwansong


    Жыл бұрын

    I wish Purify work as the tooltip described it does. The additional effect works less than 50% of the time for me its frustrating.

  • @liquidsnake23
    @liquidsnake23 Жыл бұрын

    got yourself a sub. I felt i was alone on this with the amount of afk and turtle like players that dont care to win since the reward from a loss isnt as different

  • @SiopeR
    @SiopeR7 ай бұрын

    FFXIV massive delay makes pvp almost unplayable, u can press guard and still die 1-2 sec after because the ability will go through O_O same with healing and cc removal. Do it for lvl 25 series reward and leave till next season rewards arrive.

  • @akiactual
    @akiactual Жыл бұрын

    literally it would be incredibly nice and one of the biggest things i would do in ffxiv if there was duo-queue or any premades

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    Folks don't trust premades. 8 man premades did exist in frontlines. It was very few thought. Because they were so dominant people complained until they got removed. To this day, you have some that is pushing for frontlines to be solo q only. Based off of that reason alone the devs will not gamble having premades in Crystal Conflict. Literally a community issue. If they tested duo queues out I guarantee you that CC will grow. No one wants to be with randoms only forever

  • @lofipiggy7718


    Жыл бұрын

    ikr....a mmorpg that ban people to play together, brain dead dev tbh

  • @anannoyedpanda


    Жыл бұрын

    Can't allow premades. It'll ruin everything immediately

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    Rank is already ruined. Plus people are not going to flock to team CC. That's only used for people that are playing tournaments, and that's an extremely small group. For one, I'm pretty sure that everyone are XP hunters. So they're not playing for no rewards. Secondly, it's already difficult to get a group of 8 together. What makes you think that 10 will be any easier? Just saying. Test it. You can keep things the same as it is now, but I'm pretty certain that rewards are not going to work in the long term for player retention as far as CC goes.

  • @mirageowl


    Жыл бұрын

    @@tankster27 to me it seems like there's nothing to ruin, the reputation of pvp in FF is basically the lowest it can be for such a popular game. They have to start thinking what is fun instead of what is balanced if they want FF to be the fun game around the block. Nobody comes to an anime looking flashy animations game for the balanced and streamlined game play.

  • @minakatahizuru
    @minakatahizuru Жыл бұрын

    They should make game when you press button thing happens or when something explodes it does damage during that effect and exactly starts doing damage on start if explosion.

  • @Stardustheart
    @Stardustheart Жыл бұрын

    I used to love to heal in PVP, whm mainly. Now it feels like I'm just a dps with cc. Legit replaced by recuperate, feels like dog in front lines, isn't really the game play im looking for as a healer. :\

  • @Scionofgreyhaven
    @Scionofgreyhaven Жыл бұрын

    I dont see why they wont let us communicate properly for CC, The mode which is remotely fun and could be competitive. FF pvp is just kinda ok when compared to other mmos, I love the game but it makes me miss WoW when I try to pvp lol

  • @ubaha_
    @ubaha_ Жыл бұрын

    Honestly same, PvP feels like a big mediocre burger that keeps losing taste with each bite, and you can't do much since there isn't a version of it that isn't just the same with a different marketing name. if you want decent PvP the only option is to straight up play another game. I understand we all live and die by the engine limitations but that really doesn't change anything (and some of these problems aren't even tied to that)

  • @anannoyedpanda


    Жыл бұрын

    Very bad take. Holy.

  • @gustavotm123
    @gustavotm123 Жыл бұрын

    I used to play pvp a lot before this new *uPdAtE*, my only complain about the old pvp was healers beeing to overpower with healing spam. I'm 100% sure that the only thing they needed to improve pvp was reworking healers and adding those new LB's to each job. After playing this game for 2 years just to collects mounts and play PVP, i know that sqaure doesnt give a damn about pvp, they only changed something cause a lot of people came from WoW when asmongold tried the game, and just cause wow is a game with a good pvp, they decided to do something about pvp on FFXIV. That's sad, cause i had 1TB of recorded gameplay on frontlines, killing 30+ per game, 25+ everysingle game with almost every single dps jobs. Right now, it's just stupid, game is just a 1,2,3,4 pressing without gauges and those new abilities(guard, healing) doesnt work that well for high ping players. When they added this new pvp i played CC with my 5 characters, got to crystal with less than 50 wins with almost every char, needed 55 on two of them. But i'm not wasting my time on that, also, my favorite thing to do is ruined(playing frontlines) cause they reworked pvp just for crystal conflict. Months ago all you needed to do was playing with a group of summoners and LB together. I don't know whats the best for now, but like you said, having a possibility to heal yourself 4 times with that amout of time is just ridiculous, you can't 1v1 on frontlines and its also very hard to kill people. Not to mention some overpower skills and the RNG of that shitty MCH, you just focus someone with 100 Battlepoints on frontlines and ruin the person's game just using a LB. On this year i tried to return to the game to enjoy pvp for 2 times and couldnt stay. I think this game is over for me. And i know a LOT of people who liked pvp on this game a lot... most of them stopped playing, some are doing PvE, and not even 10% of the players i knew who used to play PVP everyday are still playing.

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    Cant say much for Heavensward. I wasnt around during that time. Stormblood was OG. I feel as though more was offered here than today's expansion....slightly more I should point out. Shadowbringers is as far as you're going to go in terms of balance. You say that healers were overpowered. I say that melees were ass. However, the fact of the matter was that you were somewhat easily rewarded for defensive play than offensive. No sense or arguing about the past. This expansion has potential. However, it's not really being utilized. I only play CC these days since I can no longer play my way in frontlines. No expression in classes, and extremely difficult to push your dps numbers up if everyone is not focused on building battle high. This is probably the best expansion for casuals in terms of having fun and possibly farming for experience points. To me, this is the worse expansion by far

  • @user-rh4nu8hs1z
    @user-rh4nu8hs1z Жыл бұрын

    I hate how all this cool glamours are locked behind the stupid wolf points, pvp has always been godawful and full of tryhards. Nothing like being almost dead, retreating to your alliance area to heal only to have a bloodthirsty dragoon ignore literally everything just for that extra kill. Also fuck battle high.

  • @AlZahard


    Жыл бұрын

    Damn, I kinda forgot to talk about battle high in this video. Noted for the next one :)

  • @imagine917
    @imagine917 Жыл бұрын

    FF14 pvp is bad. It feels like playing league of legends where you only have very few abilities. It is not an MMO pvp where you balance cooldown, time your burst and where one coordinated team can wreck havoc on a zerg or army. FF14 pvp is really very dumb down. Every class is a dps, tank and healer.

  • @ElysiumEntropy


    Жыл бұрын

    Your probly dogsh!t at it. Most things aren’t fun when your not good

  • @LittleSparklingStars
    @LittleSparklingStars Жыл бұрын

    I disagree with premades, the whole reason they're not in there is so that it's kept fair. You wouldn't wanna be a solo queue against 8 players on frontline. That's a huge advantage. A premade mode would be nice, tho.

  • @neondharma


    Жыл бұрын

    that's why there is ranked and non ranked. you can still get rewards from non ranked. without pre-made parties there is no way to actually strategize as a team.

  • @AlZahard


    Жыл бұрын

    A dedicated premade queue would be nice. Where you only play as and against full premades, which is something that existed back for a few season of the Feast.

  • @1bossofbosses


    7 ай бұрын

    i vote for premade and thats about the only thing i agree with on thsi video is needing a premade cuz the randoms are very bad i mean can be disgustingly bad and then watching them argue who is worse is like added bonus. Especially when you veiw ppl stats after it ends its usually the complainers but not all the time but for the most part.

  • @dawgyv72
    @dawgyv72 Жыл бұрын

    It's funny how if you go into the Wolf's Den and say anything bad about the PvP, any criticism at all, they all just flip out. I even mentioned how server ticks ruin any responsiveness to combat and they all said, "get better internet" ....they don't even know what server ticks are lmao I don't think it's ever going to be any good and it sucks that rewards are locked behind it.

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    If rewards wasnt locked behind pvp I'm pretty sure that frontlines will be on a lifeline supportive by the experience point farmers, and if they decide not to play no more frontlines.

  • @ElysiumEntropy


    Жыл бұрын

    Your probly dogsh!t at it. Most things aren’t fun when your not good

  • @AlchemicSoul


    3 ай бұрын

    Maybe they don't care dude, they're just trying to play without someone crying in their ear

  • @Zephhi


    Ай бұрын

    @@AlchemicSoul sounds like you're one of them

  • @eureka5635
    @eureka5635 Жыл бұрын

    It has potential, it just needs to encourage strategy and have more variety. I wouldn't call it bad, just rough around the edges. Frontlines could use some work, feels too long and doesn't really have anything going on besides capture points and kill. If your team doesn't work together, you can't really do anything. CC is pretty fun, don't really have any complaints about the game mode its self. Being allowed to play with friends would be nice though. Getting randomly one shot out of nowhere is a tad frustrating and getting constantly stun locked is more then a little infuriating, Can’t say if this is really bad design, just my feelings. Overall when I'm in the mood, I enjoy it. I've gotten all the series rewards from 1-30 from eatch Series so there must be at least something decent about it, if I can grind that much of it. I'd recommend finding a class you like and taking it slow for the rewards, if you don't start late you have plenty of time to get it, just do a roulette every day and do some CC in between.

  • @juniorpunky3007
    @juniorpunky3007 Жыл бұрын

    I'm really not sure how you are having issues with Recuperate- yes, 4 charges of an instant self heal is strong, but you want to know what stops that? Any of the 6 odd stuns, or bursting someone down from half, or especially both. And as someone who played a lot of PvP back in Shadowbringers, let me just say, healers being less impactful is way, WAY more conductive to a fun game. Previous version basically had the tank, ranged, and melee playing chicken with the enemy healer trying to trick them into healing one dude while you bursted down the other, and if they guessed correctly you just kited eachother around the room for 30 seconds. As for netcode, group queues, and rewards? Yeah, they're dogshit, and really could use an update.

  • @Kurowll
    @Kurowll Жыл бұрын

    Wanted to get the rewards to so i played a lot of cc and the more i played the more i hated it, i mostly play pvp games outside of mmos and this is seriously the worst experience i ever had

  • @ElysiumEntropy


    Жыл бұрын

    Your probly dogsh!t at it. Most things aren’t fun when your not good

  • @rickboy7290
    @rickboy7290 Жыл бұрын

    I play alot of PvP. I have fun with it. But for the most part its just chaos. It also takes way too long to kill another player if you are alone. In frontline, To kill one player you need at least 3 people. In most case I just troll people or distract other teams by going over to the home base to take it over, so the enemy players have to go over to me so I don't take over their home base. it takes some heat off my team while they take over nodes and crystals. It usually takes 3 to 4 other players to kill me. So it helps my team, especially during a pinch.

  • @BongSwansong


    Жыл бұрын

    Play monk, lure people to ledge. Kick them off. Instant kill. Youre welcome.

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    Devs need to relook at the damage reduction for frontlines overall. 60% damage reduction for melees? Plus, you can even feel how weak you are if playing as a summoner, scholar, and white mage in terms of damage 😂

  • @BongSwansong


    Жыл бұрын

    @@tankster27 I dunno man, I've seen scholars put up nearly 2 million in terms of damage. A good scholar is a AOE monster in frontlines. The others you mentioned however most def need some damage buffs me thinks.

  • @josephwright8752


    Жыл бұрын

    @@BongSwansong I pull 2m+ every frontline on RDM and my friend that plays SCH pulls 4m+. BLM is in a great spot as well, easily pulling 2m+. I think the balance for casters is fine seeing as they never need to be in danger to deal damage, RDM being an exception utilizing melee hits, but with the safety of displacement.

  • @SlowRkers
    @SlowRkersАй бұрын

    Totally agree on the CC needs 5min Hard Stop, Its freaking annoying having work so hard pushing the crystal to 85% but due overtime and long respawn time it takes longer for the winning team to regroup as the distance the need to run is far hence allowing the losing team to steamroll the winning team and just need to push 85.1% to win. Which is make Pushing that 85% feels like a lost effort, This is why i HATE ffxiv CC to the core.

  • @xavimontero2615
    @xavimontero26159 ай бұрын

    I have been playing ranked for the past week. I never win. And when I loose. It is because I am literally the only one left alive and am constantly being wailed on by 4 players. In some cases. we still loose when I have 3 people killing me with no team mates near by and the other team literally had 2 people pushing the crystal. Where are my team and what are they doing while 3 people are killing me? Also, it doesn't help that they nerfed RDM so much into the gutter that a double debuffed full Black DPS combo and LB is still not enough to kill someone on your own. RDM is literally incapable of killing any one solo. And it is a DPS job. SAM, MCH, BLM, etc. Every job is capable of killing any job solo with their burst and. But RDM has been nerfed to where we have no burst, no CCs except s silence on a super long cool down that last 1 second on a GCD (FUCKING MAKE IT AN OGCD SO WE CAN AT LEAST GET ONE ATTACK IN WHILE IT IS UP) and have a large come kill me circle on at all times because we need to make sure that everyone knows where the RDM is.

  • @BFree961
    @BFree961 Жыл бұрын

    I got burned out at the same time for the same reasons. Seems like that's a common story. Hope the next tier is more bearable. I agree with this video too, I didn't know all the reasons but I could feel how jank and broken it felt to play whenever friends would drag me into frontlines or CC.

  • @WingedGlider
    @WingedGlider3 ай бұрын

    It's not bad imo, but MAN square seems driven to actively keep you OUT of it. The rewards are weighted so heavily for casual play. Do your daily, maybe grind cc if you took a break, then don't touch it again for 4 months. No gil, basically no tomestones, and while you get some nice titles for it, it takes years to get through that grind for a relatively small amount of AP.

  • @Taitai7
    @Taitai7 Жыл бұрын

    I play...for PVP...msq, when it's new, but then back to pvp, all day, every day.

  • @magus9180
    @magus91804 ай бұрын

    PvP in FFXIV is bad overall. The Gameplay for PvP is way to slow. Targeting enemy's via TAB especially in Frontliens takes forever. 1 on 1 duels are also taking forever, because they removed PvE bursts out of PvP. In the past i've sneaked up to my enemys with my Ninja and then bursted them down. Since they removed that PvP feels even slower and you have a hard time to take down a Healer alone. CC are nice but due to the long GCD and the Server Ticks, stuns for 2 or 3 seconds are nothing. There are also a lot of Script/Plugin Users in PvP. Auto CC, Auto Heal, Auto Shield, Auto LB when a kill ia guaranteed etc. You can tell when you see a player stunning or transforming you asap out of the blue when you're about to use a LB. This also makes PvP even more unattractive for competetive Players.

  • @shinypeekatyou
    @shinypeekatyou Жыл бұрын

    Imagine getting burned out... Couldn't be me...

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    I nearly burned myself out grinding dungeons for the Garo gear. I gets no burnout from doing pvp all day lol...that was back then though

  • @anacronrealz
    @anacronrealz Жыл бұрын

    I think they add recuperate heal on every class to reduce que times. Cause sometimes you don't have a healer in your team while enemy team has healer. So they must counter balance this. If healer and tank was mandatory in both teams gl with 30 min ques time

  • @kd9-3.77


    Жыл бұрын

    But healers don't heal in PVP. I mean they can, barely, and if you do, you're playing it wrong.

  • @toychristopher
    @toychristopher Жыл бұрын

    If it's the worst why do I like it?

  • @AlZahard


    Жыл бұрын

    Hey, you like what you like

  • @bobbbyyy


    Жыл бұрын

    checkmate, atheists 😎

  • @marzchavoya990


    Жыл бұрын

    Cause you like bad things ?

  • @maniacal1870


    Жыл бұрын

    Youre obviously a masochist.

  • @Istrino


    Жыл бұрын

    You're not the only one. I love it too!

  • @pleaseohno
    @pleaseohno Жыл бұрын

    i wish we could have feast back.. There was so much more skill expression and strategizing in that game mode. Now it's just a clusterfuck of every job doing the same shit... feels like wins at higher elo is just a coin flip of which team comp has better crowd control (fuck black mage players)

  • @AlZahard


    Жыл бұрын

    I didn't even have time to rant about job balance in this video (or the rampant wintrading) pepesad

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    Deleting feast was a mistake. All of that just to force the small pvp group to play cc so that SE doesnt have a dead mode... As for game/class balanced majority ask for certain things to changed, and the devs delivered to near perfection. I wish the devs would do more pvp in general

  • @toji6476
    @toji6476 Жыл бұрын

    bro i just play machinist in cc so i can do the one shot combo, only fun thing to do

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    Delete Chainsaw. Literally the only move in the game that would have me to break my controller

  • @CyraErifire
    @CyraErifire Жыл бұрын

    All the tiers of battle high are a problem in front line, or that your assists and objective kills don't add to it in a meaningful way. You can fix recuperate by making it a heal similar to Eureka potions or sustaining potions where its a large heal still but its a heal overtime. that or give it a cool down so its not spam able.

  • @josephwright8752


    Жыл бұрын

    It'd be unplayable without spam healing.

  • @Murasame13


    Жыл бұрын

    @@josephwright8752 Unfortunately true, they would have to dramatically reduce how much damage everyone is doing if they removed spam healing. The whole pvp system feels like it needs reworked still.

  • @josephwright8752


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Murasame13 my advice is to play rdm and find a friend that plays drg, when you both have lb you can go in first with rdm , pop your frazzle, a stored verflare, and your lb, the drg will pop the second part of their lb and it's an aoe 100 to 0 oneshot :D

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    Yall lucky yall able to spam heal. I dont get that opportunity because I'm somehow constantly eating nukes going from 100 to 0 in less than 2 seconds. If I get cc I have to spam purify before I can get to Recuperate which at that point I'm already dead. You can ask for killing to be easier. However, dont be surprised if ninjas run rampant with the removal of Recuperate

  • @horacejohnson1730
    @horacejohnson17308 ай бұрын

    Guildwars 2 WvW/PvP is the worst because it has pathetic concepts and class balance on top of the cheating.

  • @bocatt9202
    @bocatt9202 Жыл бұрын

    "self healing sucks and is horrible to play against" Okay but why? Why do we need 0.2 second ttk like every mass produced shooter and moba from the last decade. Why does "danger" equal fun? I personally have always found pvp environments with longer ttks much more enjoyable to play in since there is a lot less "whoops I'm dead guess there was nothing to do about that" feeling and a lot more "wow I was outplayed and I could have avoided being outplayed if I had used the time I had available to me to make different decisions" feeling. Which is something I much prefer.

  • @AlZahard


    Жыл бұрын

    I'm not advocating for .2s TTK - I'm advocating for not needing to be a melee DPS to be able to have 1v1s. Almost no job deals enough damage in a full rotation to kill someone else without single-target LBs, if their target has at least 25-50% of their MP available for recuperate. Given the recast periods on most abilities beyond the basic 1-2-3 combo, it can take a minute or longer to kill someone depending on job balance. Taking this long to kill things in a game mode with a 10s respawn timer and 5 minute base time is too long imo. Sure, you can argue that it feels "wow I was outplayed" when you die, but on the other hand it's also "wow, they had full mana for recuperate, nothing I can do about that" from the other perspective. Outplaying someone is, most of the time, not a matter of "wow they timed their abilities well and predicted my moves" but a matter of "guess you ran out of mana lol."

  • @triedtofindgoodname


    Жыл бұрын

    @@AlZahard You do realize CC is not a 1v1 mode though right? Obviously not every job is gonna be geared to 1v1, so why does it matter? You're a team, play as a team, stop rushing in to fight 1v3 or sticking to 1v1s, fight as a team and I promise your games will be 100x more fun and enjoyable you might even win more. If you even know how to do damage with jobs, it isn't that hard to shred their MP even solo, but you aren't meant to secure KOs solo because it's a team mode, so complaining about it is like complaining that you have to do raid mechanics in a raid. It's the whole point of the mode, fight with your team. If you only 1v1 everybody in CC, you will never kill anything.

  • @mirageowl


    Жыл бұрын

    @@triedtofindgoodname because your team comp is completely random

  • @Fierach


    Жыл бұрын

    "Guess you ran out of mana lol" "Guess you ran out of health lol" God forbid you also have to manage mana on top of health. Big imposition I know. Pro tip, it's easier to drop your opponent's health and mana faster when you outplay them.

  • @triedtofindgoodname


    Жыл бұрын

    @@mirageowl It doesn't matter what your team comp is if you're good at the game, especially if you're better than whoever you're getting queued with. The top 100 players in season 1 kept getting queued with Crystal Credit 0 anchors and Diamond 5's because demoting didn't exist yet, and you know what they did? They carried their team to victory, it didn't stop them. Losing and blaming team comp is just cope method for being a bad player.

  • @cks796
    @cks7966 ай бұрын

    CC is trash. Frontlines is trash too. Loaded with cheaters and terrible design decisions. The lesson here is, if you want to do PvP, play other games.

  • @tankster27
    @tankster27 Жыл бұрын

    5 year veteran here. Possibly the only veteran that plays final fantasy solely for pvp. Much of what you said is on point. My main concern is the amount of content itself. We have gotten Rival Wings, Onsal, and now Crystal Conflict since playing. However, we have lost feast, both 4v4 and 8v8, and we lost the 8v8v8 frontline modes while Astragalos has been locked to the public since the release of Hidden Gorge. I know that the game changes over time. However, compared to pve things are constantly being replaced in pvp. It seems as though you guys have gotten a deal. However, those who played back then had it a lot better than what you guys have now despite it being easier today. I could rant and talk to you about today's problems with pvp. I have a crap ton to say as you will find out in the other comments. However, I will say this. The casual community asked for what they wanted for pvp, and Yoshi delivered to near perfection. Your only way of learning how things are in the past is to look at the forums. I will suggest to stay away from that unless you can handle the memes and the immaturity that is the forums

  • @12markinlove12
    @12markinlove127 ай бұрын

    "i haven't done any pvp" Don't do it, stop, before it's too late and you go from being a kind and helpful player to someone who just wants to watch the world burn, don't corrupt yourself to this... [Redacted][Redacted][Redacted][Redacted]Piece of [Redacted].

  • @Tory-JJ
    @Tory-JJ Жыл бұрын

    155 games

  • @DrakeRichter
    @DrakeRichter Жыл бұрын

    This is more a perspective issue than inherent design flaws, though I can ONLY speak in terms of CC, I haven't done RR/FL. The current setup cannot be thought of in a traditional "tank dps healer" mentality. Supposedly the matchmaking even tries to pair Sage against DPS classes rather than healers since their healing/shielding ability is minimal (though the class itself needs work in PvP). Recuperate is just EHP that you can counter, which is WAY more tactically interesting than "no one dies unless you dogpile the healer" the way some games do things. WHM is a great example of a class that is perfectly designed for this kind of PVP - it has some decent heals that it can put out to save someone at a crucial moment, but is more about carefully timing CC and burst to deny enemies their own burst or resources. If you are letting someone run out their whole mana bar, their guard, and use all their cooldowns, you're doing something wrong.

  • @noxnocturna1909
    @noxnocturna1909 Жыл бұрын

    Tbh I love the pvp only have one complaint assist bots boils my blood super easy to spot em since they auto counter most limit breaks and dancers spin aoe dance

  • @AlZahard


    Жыл бұрын

    I love it when a healer "manages" to poly you the instant you press LB :)

  • @Shivajaiswal9
    @Shivajaiswal96 ай бұрын

    I agree it sucks ass

  • @einsk9002
    @einsk9002 Жыл бұрын

    Im new to FFXIV. I was leveling the whole weekend to lvl40. I was hoping that the PVP modes are good bc im focused on that. It isnt. After 20 rounds (mostly wins), I uninstalled the Game. There are 3 PVP-Modes. Only 1 is working properly bc queues are way too long ^^

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    Believe it or not there were other modes. Devs just chose to delete it since the pvp community is small and felt like it would be dead. 3 modes, and one of them still dies. Sorry that you weren't enticed

  • @lofipiggy7718
    @lofipiggy7718 Жыл бұрын

    This is the most viewed ffxiv pvp this month, and its a rant video(and its a fair and good one). It shows u how bad and unpopular is pvp. I like pvp but the fact that the dev dont allow people to due que really kill the game. Also the match making is horrible and most of the fight is very one side.

  • @kasumia7751
    @kasumia7751 Жыл бұрын

    I could code a more balanced a pvp mode on the back of a napkin.

  • @tomwalker8944
    @tomwalker8944 Жыл бұрын

    So it requires cooridinated damage, support, and CC in PvP to do well? And full premades can't just roll through pugs for hours on end? Yeah that sounds WAY worse than everyone getting burst down in a global by 2 people, and no pug players queuing and the mode dying.

  • @lunaticker6842
    @lunaticker6842 Жыл бұрын

    13:48: You chose to engage against 3 players, solo, without the aid of your team and complain about other players not knowing what they're doing. You decided to march right into the enemy's hands, feed them points at the cost of your own team's, AND cripple your own team by not being there to help them. What did you think you were going to accomplish in that clip? It's a miracle you didn't die 10 seconds sooner. You aren't even a tank- you're playing as one of the squishiest classes in the game mode. You CHOSE to die in that clip. Your team's incompetence isn't causing you to lose. You are.

  • @MrCarlWax


    6 ай бұрын

    That part was hilarious

  • @hansfriedemann4194
    @hansfriedemann4194 Жыл бұрын

    I am honestly having a blast with pvp this season, just playing casual cc (series lvl 30 or so) with war at first, now smn, absolutely love it. For me personally, this is the first time I am really enjoying pvp in an mmorpg, ngl. It is fun, quick, and you win some, you lose some. Best is when you try and queue up with/against your friends at the same time, that is just hilariously fun.

  • @dawgyv72


    Жыл бұрын

    I suggest you play other PVP games :) FFXIV being my favorite game, has truthfully the worst pvp experience. It's too janky and buggy and the server tick shit doesn't help

  • @mirageowl


    Жыл бұрын

    @@dawgyv72 you see some people who don't enjoy PvPs but enjoy MMOs still tend to like the game's PvP mode because instead of given a random champion with no connection to you you are playing the character you have been for the last 100s of hours. *It fulfills a fundamentally different fantasy.*

  • @lookstr1
    @lookstr1 Жыл бұрын

    just copy wows pvp?

  • @wackantheduck6883


    Жыл бұрын

    Imagine hearing *HONK* *RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL* *WEEEE* *SIREN BLARING* *DEATH SOUND* and then getting bursted from 100% to 0% in less than one second because shitfartmcgee - the enemy player- has 34million higher PPP (Player Piss Points) than you, and if you want to damage him you have to farm ultimate for the entire expansion to gain a similar amount of Piss Points because PvP isn't standardized. Also, don't forget your meaningful choice between "Gentle trickle attack - 5 potency" and "DeathCumLaserOfDeath Beam - 192718 Potency". Sounds great, where do I sign up?

  • @AlZahard


    Жыл бұрын

    Wow's PVP is too hardcore for the player base, IMO. Gear has a huge impact, as do the talent trees. But copying some of WoW's progression systems and arena style rating could be nice.

  • @cheesemuffin8129


    Жыл бұрын

    Skills don't work the same way and 14's net code is significantly worse.

  • @lookstr1


    Жыл бұрын

    @@AlZahard Probably the realest thing ive heard. i just wanna duo queue arenas with my friends as a dancer + melle comp and get mounts titles n nice rewards for doing so

  • @entropy7705


    Жыл бұрын

    It'd be nice to have WoW's pvp but it'd unfortunately be too jank and some jobs would be hard to balance since they never designed any class with pvp in mind

  • @gaiali453
    @gaiali4539 ай бұрын

    I have no problems making kills. Its the cheating for me. Crystalline Conflict is jam packed with organized win trading. Its completely controlled by discord cliques that use exploits and win trade. Making it impossible for legit players to progress. Its a total hack. No pun.

  • @snowsoldier413
    @snowsoldier413 Жыл бұрын

    What I find kind of funny about this video is that your biggest gripe with it is recuperate and self healing, while the biggest complaint I saw from people at the higher end is how FAST it is to kill people with just a little coordination. An interesting dichotomy to see.

  • @dawgyv72


    Жыл бұрын

    Little coordination from who? Bunch of randos with no chat function? Yeah, I bet there's a lot of coordination going on there.

  • @snowsoldier413


    Жыл бұрын

    @@dawgyv72 You don't really need that much of a chat function to look and see who's taking damage, and hit them too. Even marking them is enough for someone with even half of a brain cell to know to hit them with a GCD. I'm sure you must have noticed how fast people die at round start, because if you all hit someone at the same time they practically melt before they can even hit recuperate.

  • @Fierach


    Жыл бұрын

    It's amazing how fast people melt in crystal conflict, even "tanks", when hit by a well coordinated team. Recup only goes so far. Skill issue I say for people complaining about recup

  • @zombiegodsire
    @zombiegodsire7 ай бұрын

    Its fairly decent and fun actually

  • @seb3661
    @seb3661 Жыл бұрын

    Play War

  • @Fierach
    @Fierach Жыл бұрын

    Dedicated pre-made queue would only work with more players. Net Code is a valid criticism that everybody echoes bit devs will never acknowledge. Recuperate is fine. Most classes are not supposed to be able to body each other with lower TTK by themselves. Its not League of Legends with hard carries. It's a team game. Work with your team.

  • @paddy1144
    @paddy11449 ай бұрын

    Imagine complaining about healing in pvp while playing whm, no one wants pre mades in pvp apart from sweat lords

  • @AlZahard


    9 ай бұрын

    Lmao imagine complaining that I'm playing one of the available jobs in the game? I want pre-mades in casual matches, too

  • @paddy1144


    9 ай бұрын

    @@AlZahard I didnt complain you were playing a job you cockwomble! I said: "Imagine complaining about healing in pvp while playing whm".

  • @craigwheeler4760
    @craigwheeler47608 ай бұрын

    2:30 -- Oh give me a BREAK... Ashes of Creation is not going to launch until 2026 at the BEST. It's still in the middle stages of testing and development. I just bought a 40 GB RAM , 5.9 GHZ computer with an NVIDA graphics card with 12 GB visual mem. in anticipation of that MMORPG, and It's not even CLOSE to launch. How the hell have you even played the game? Were you , or someone you know, an Alpha Tester? You Know they're barely on the 2.0 Alpha this winter right?

  • @Mardruko
    @Mardruko Жыл бұрын

    i can make a big text about it, but i just prefer to say that ffxiv pvp just sucks, is the worst, and u right my friend, never saw i game like this, with a lot of lore jekers talking how this pvp is great lying on my face, just play gw2 is cheap and balanced pvp :/

  • @dawgyv72


    Жыл бұрын

    Not going to lie, I'm not the biggest fan of GW2, but their PVP is miles ahead of FFXIV and it's my favorite game. Guild Wars 1 had even better pvp which is nuts

  • @ElysiumEntropy


    Жыл бұрын

    Your probly dogsh!t at it. Most things aren’t fun when your not good

  • @anteprs7908
    @anteprs7908 Жыл бұрын

    I only agree on healing it need a nerf, while the rest is just a bad take on copy wow pvp .and no you cant make prenade vs premade many dev in games talked about it same with class balances like have 5 dps vs 5 dps it not easy it possible at all .

  • @meteorwalkergg
    @meteorwalkergg Жыл бұрын

    For some reason in this particular game, PvE is treated as a value-neutral expectation of absolute optimal performance, worse than any irl workplace management I've ever seen or heard of, even in the easiest, Duty Finder queued, completely random matchmaking PUG content but when it comes to PvP, both the devs & the player base broadly will hyper gatekeep focused, optimal PvP players out as much as possible and then cite toxicity as the primary reason why. It's baffling how bad FFXIV players are at tab-target PvP fundamentals, even the Legend title players, I guess because they can't pop off w/ plugins like in PvE, they can't circle jerk to FFLogs, & they probably don't understand how to deal w/ non-scripted, irl human enemies in any given scenario 🤦

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    Folks complained about how unfair pvp was. As soon as certain things were removed: "I play only for exp". Casual community is hypocrites. I dont see this type of attitude changing which is why I've abandoned frontlines altogether after the system changes

  • @Murasame13
    @Murasame13 Жыл бұрын

    The pvp feels horribly unbalanced, but not necessarily bad. Like.. everything is op and makes it feel kinda interesting I guess.

  • @marzchavoya990
    @marzchavoya990 Жыл бұрын

    The pvp is really bad. I've played WOW. ESO.FF14 and roblox. And ff14 has the WORST pvp

  • @ElysiumEntropy


    Жыл бұрын

    Your probly dogsh!t at it. Most things aren’t fun when your not good

  • @legendxcarisso
    @legendxcarisso4 ай бұрын

    PvP is fucking stupid, and completely pointless in an MMO.

  • @Disastra
    @Disastra Жыл бұрын

    I love CC. Fast, fun, and zero queue times in casual mode-- get all the rewards, avoid the vast majority of sweat & salt. Honestly the game would be better wthout pvp at all, but if it has to be included, it's not bad.

  • @fojul
    @fojul Жыл бұрын

    Just comparing it to other mmos like Eso, as a 9 year player of eso…they don’t care about pvp, wow barely cares..FFXIV and GW2 are the closest mmos to having a pvp that is balanced compared to the others, if you had premises it would ruin pvp trust me ESO been there some that and ppl on use it for dailies…I enjoy FFXIV pvp over most games

  • @fojul


    Жыл бұрын

    Premades* not premises

  • @fananox2057


    Жыл бұрын

    Some people at durian, I get it dude.

  • @fananox2057


    Жыл бұрын


  • @MrCarlWax
    @MrCarlWax6 ай бұрын

    Please keep thinking recuperate is op and keep spamming it and guard whenever. I want more free kills.❤

  • @user-rw3gj3un5r
    @user-rw3gj3un5rАй бұрын

    Being bad at something doesn't mean it's bad. WoW PvP is bad.

  • @yeetusdeleetus4697
    @yeetusdeleetus4697 Жыл бұрын

    Ngl a lot of your points just seem like you don't really understand the pvp at even a basic level, not to sound rude. For example, you claim that time to kill is **too high???!???** in CC?? if that is the case you are objectively playing incorrectly which is largely negatively impacting your team's ability to play correctly. Crystalline Conflict has extremely fast time to kill and most team fights end in between 20-50 seconds which is insanely fast when compared to group pvp content in other MMO's like WoW in which players are kiting in circles around each other for sometimes up to 10 minutes for a single fight. That said, I do heavily agree about premades and progression. The biggest issue is forcing players who clearly dont understand or want to understand pvp to queue and ruin the match quality of people who do enjoy the pvp and want quality matches by putting FOMO rewards behind it.

  • @tankster27


    Жыл бұрын

    He's lucky that he can complain about Recuperate. I can't. I cannot spam in a 1v3 to save my life. The burst is too much. Add the fact that monk and ninja can lock you out of Recup during their LB animations, and I have to wonder how everyone else is able to spam. I have to live with the fact that being nuked feels far worse than the feast days. But hey, people wanted to feel like they're able to kill. There you go.

  • @josephwright8752


    Жыл бұрын

    based. he played pvp for a few days and decided to rant about his experience. he didn't successfully climb the ranked ladder, didn't exhibit a level of mastery over a job, and doesn't have a core understanding of the balance and design. Recuperate is 15k because many abilities hit more than that, account for a team that effectively uses targeting and you are getting hit for 50k+ per gcd. Have fun spam healing through that... Take into account abilities like RDM's Frazzle(which btw SE, still broken and applies a Chiten stack despite dealing 0 damage) that cut healing done, and crowd control abilities, and all of the sudden the argument that "rEcUpeRaTe hEaLs tOo mUcH" starts to crumble like this mans spirit after 2 days of playing pvp.

  • @tomwalker8944


    Жыл бұрын

    @@josephwright8752 Imagine this guy trying to play something like GW1 where PvP at the higher end required coordinated damage spikes in sub half second calls, usually involing some sort of enchantment stripping, and a secondary interrupter. It's like when bad players used to complain about blood dk's duos back in WotLK 2v2 arena on WoW. Never crossed their little minds show easy it was to kite their CD's then blow'em up.
