Family Constellation Zoom Demonstration ~ The Money Block & The Past Life

Our client is BLOCKED around money
In this Constellation what reveals itself is a past life that is still haunting her.
One in which our client was responsible for the death or sacrifice of another. And that riches were in play.
We also see that the Dark Forces "Voices" played a part along with the Church (though not represented)
A curse & vow have been following our client in this lifetime.
As the story unfolds we begin to disentangle our client from this past lifetime.
(As always when I am working with Malevolent or Low Vibration forces I have High Vibration representatives in the Field.)
It seems our client is atoning for what happened in this previous lifetime. Not allowing herself to have money, perhaps as a self punishment?
There's also something about her feminine side being the one to receive money with the support of her masculine. A re-balancing of this.
I almost stop the Constellation as there is an energy of completion in the Field and something is not quite finished. Finally I can't stop it and allow it to flow.
The final healing movement becomes a birth/releasing movement, letting go of an old energy.
A deep thank you to all the amazing representatives who held these energies. Beautifully held by all. I am grateful.
Post questions, comments or thoughts below. I will respond and it is valuable for us to share what arises for us.
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