Family Camping Games

Camping Games & Activities: The video is about fun games and activities to play while camping as a family. For our spring break, we had big plans to go camping at a lake. But a storm rolled into town. So, we changed our plans and had a backyard campout instead. Our kids had just as much fun (Isaac still insists on sleeping in his sleeping bag). In this video, you'll learn some fun new ideas for games and activities to play together next time you go camping -- whether in the great outdoors or in your own backyard.
00:00 Introduction
01:07 Park Ranger
02:39 Fire Tender
04:10 Camping Alphabet
04:48 Sleeping Bag Race
05:34 Flashlight Tag
06:18 Chubby Bunny
08:53 Camping Charades
10:27 Flashlight Limbo
12:50 Story Add-On
14:07 Conclusion
