佛山祖廟!門票20元!零距離互動!醒獅!震撼畫面!最刺激!傳統文化!地道美食推薦!旅遊攻略!葉問堂!嶺南天地!順德煲仔飯!45元味道如何?元宵節!!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

/ @huntingarcher
#佛山 #祖廟 #元宵節
餐厅消费:椰子滑雞煲仔飯 ¥45
佛山祖廟位於中國廣東省佛山市禪城區祖廟路21號,是一座供奉道教玄天大帝的神廟。 整個佛山祖廟博物館由祖廟古建築群、孔廟、黃飛鴻紀念館、葉問堂等組成,佔地3.2萬平方米,現為全國重點文物保護單位、廣東省文明旅遊區示範點、佛山市愛國 主義教育基地。
祖廟建於北宋元豐年間(1078年-1085年),歷經20多次重建擴建,現存以萬福台、靈應牌坊、錦香池、鐘鼓樓、三門、前殿、正殿、慶真 樓等明清建築為主,具有典型的嶺南建築風格。
祖廟的正殿裡廟內陳設了許多珍貴藝術品,如70件30種兵器銅牆鐵壁儀仗,直徑1.31公尺的巨型銅鏡、大型銅鼎、銅鐘和香爐。 鐵器有大鐵鼎、鐵鼎、鐵畫等等。 園內還陳列有石刻匾額,明、清時期的石獸、碑刻唐代“貞觀二年”款棋字陽文“禪城”,石片旁的複製品。 重新組合復完的陶塑瓦脊,大量的金木雕建築構件,大型鐵鑄武士立像,鐵鑄瑞獸、鐵炮等等。 這些陳列品集中反映了明清時期禪城高超的工藝技術。
前身為華封戲台,於順治十五年(1658年)在靈應祠祖廟前興建,《華封台會碑》矗立在旁。 祖廟坐北向南,萬福台則坐南向北,目的是演出酬神戲。
康熙年間改名為萬福台,是廣東現存最華麗精巧、嶺南地區規模最大的古董台,見證粵劇發展歷史。 戲台分前後兩部分,前台以金漆木雕為佈景,具有強烈的舞台效果。 四柱三間開敞,兩側有「出將」、「入相」兩門供演員出入。 整個萬福台也採用拱型結構,無論站何處,所能聽到的音質基本上相同。
關於元宵節的由來,說法很多,最早可追溯至秦漢時代。 秦末就有:「正月十五燃燈祭祀道教太乙神」之說。 本稱“爸爸”,是農民祈求豐收的日子,也是道教的天官誕。 人們在田野持火把驅趕蟲獸,希望減輕蟲害,祈禱獲得好收成。
Foshan Ancestral Temple is located at No. 21 Zumiao Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China. It is a temple dedicated to Emperor Xuantian of Taoism. The entire Foshan Ancestral Temple Museum consists of the ancient Ancestral Temple complex, Confucius Temple, Huang Feihong Memorial Hall, Ip Man Hall, etc., covering an area of 32,000 square meters. It is now a national key cultural relic protection unit, a demonstration site for civilized tourism in Guangdong Province, and a Foshan Patriotic socialist education base.
The ancestral temple was built in the Yuanfeng period of the Northern Song Dynasty (1078-1085). It has been rebuilt and expanded more than 20 times. It currently has Wanfu Terrace, Lingying Archway, Jinxiang Pool, Bell and Drum Tower, three gates, front hall, main hall, Qingzhen Hall, etc. It is mainly composed of Ming and Qing buildings and other buildings, and has a typical Lingnan architectural style.
In the main hall of the ancestral temple, there are many precious works of art displayed in the temple, such as 70 pieces of bronze and iron wall ceremonial guards with 30 kinds of weapons, a giant bronze mirror with a diameter of 1.31 meters, a large bronze tripod, a bronze bell and an incense burner. Ironware includes large iron tripods, iron tripods, iron paintings, etc. The park also displays stone plaques, stone beasts from the Ming and Qing dynasties, tablets inscribed with the Chinese chess character "Chancheng" in Chinese "Zhen Guan" in the second year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, and replicas next to the stone tablets. Reassemble the restored ceramic tile ridges, a large number of gold and wood carved building components, large iron cast warrior statues, iron cast auspicious animals, iron cannons, etc. These exhibits reflect the superb craftsmanship of Chancheng during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
The Wanfu Stage is the most gorgeous and exquisite existing ancient stage in Guangdong and the largest in the Lingnan region, witnessing the development history of Cantonese opera.
The predecessor was the Huafeng Stage, which was built in front of the Lingying Temple in the 15th year of Shunzhi (1658). The "Huafeng Stage Meeting Stele" stands beside it. The ancestral temple faces north and south, while the Wanfu Terrace faces south and north, with the purpose of performing a performance to reward the gods.
It was renamed Wanfu Stage during the Kangxi period. It is the most gorgeous and exquisite existing ancient stage in Guangdong and the largest in Lingnan, witnessing the development history of Cantonese opera. The stage is divided into two parts, the front and back. The front stage is decorated with gold-lacquered wood carvings, which has a strong stage effect.
There are many theories about the origin of the Lantern Festival, which can be traced back to the Qin and Han Dynasties. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, there was a saying: "On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, lanterns are lit to worship the Taoist Taiyi God." Originally called "Dad", it is a day when farmers pray for a good harvest, and it is also the Taoist Tianguan Festival. People hold torches in the fields to drive away insects and beasts, hoping to reduce insect pests and pray for a good harvest.
00:00 Intro
01:01 佛山祖廟/交通路線/購票攻略
05:43 霸頭位睇醒獅/演出時間/最佳觀賞位置
15:00 佛山祖廟醒獅表演
24:58 參觀黃飛鴻博物館/葉問博物館
37:15 祖廟小吃街
41:24 嶺南天地美食推薦
46:32 順德煲仔飯/讀餐牌時間/椰子滑雞煲仔飯
52:05 Ending
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