Exclusive: Zach Snyder on Watchmen

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The 300 director told us a wee snippet of info about Watchmen - it's not much, but we're excited!

Пікірлер: 81

  • @iamcoolalot
    @iamcoolalot16 жыл бұрын

    i was actually thinking the same thing . . . i guess we'll have to wait and see.

  • @biglebowski123
    @biglebowski12316 жыл бұрын

    this guy reminds me of some kind of cross between mark ruffalo and zach braff with alot of energy

  • @OliverGrayhound
    @OliverGrayhound16 жыл бұрын

    amen to that

  • @EGarrett01
    @EGarrett0117 жыл бұрын

    Read the graphic novel, watched the movie. Snyder is a good candidate. In regards to 300, it's the mistakes you DON'T make that sometimes indicate your skill. 300 would've been easy to screw-up, overwrite, or make too cheesy. He managed to avoid all three.

  • @killemal
    @killemal17 жыл бұрын

    ..for the sake of the only comic book that truly deserves to be called a graphic novel, I hope you're right.

  • @SavageHenry78
    @SavageHenry7816 жыл бұрын

    It can't be done. No way a movie can match the greatness of Moore's Graphic novel.

  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    Yes I know that, In the original Romero NOTLD and DOTD it just works and makes more sense IMHO.

  • @grendelvs
    @grendelvs17 жыл бұрын

    i think Watchmen would work great as a 12-part series on HBO or Showtime, but not so much as a single movie. but i remain optimistic.

  • @monalpatel2009


    3 жыл бұрын

    Holy shit this comment is old. Your both wishes came true

  • @thrawnian
    @thrawnian15 жыл бұрын

    Another thing that is true. Watchmen without its ending is simply not Watchmen.

  • @tthepp
    @tthepp17 жыл бұрын

    It was a graphic novel, and it was translated nearly verbatim. If it wasn't good, that's a lot to do with the source material.

  • @apologyisnothepolicy
    @apologyisnothepolicy16 жыл бұрын

    I saw the trailer and it sticks pretty close to the visual aspect,now let's wait if the whole cold war paranoia is gonna be in the movie too

  • @iamcoolalot
    @iamcoolalot16 жыл бұрын

    i am restraining myself from running around and screaming like a littl fan girl. i. can't. wait.

  • @tthepp
    @tthepp17 жыл бұрын

    Shouldn't we wait for an actual trailer to be released before we make prelimenary judgements? Considering Snyder's faithful approach to "300," I don't see why "Watchmen" would be any different. Just a thought.

  • @mooker5600
    @mooker560016 жыл бұрын


  • @PaidYouOff
    @PaidYouOff16 жыл бұрын

    Watchmen doesn't NEED anything, it's fine as it is.

  • @Stevemariscal
    @Stevemariscal16 жыл бұрын

    I saw the location they chose for the scene in page 12 and it looked good. Also LILACTIME, the changes to the costume are well done so stop bitchin' about it.

  • @PaidYouOff
    @PaidYouOff16 жыл бұрын

    No, because I don't wish for more people to know about it. It's not that kind of item. I bring it up around people I know have either read it or would appreciate it. In which case they don't need a movie to recommend it to them.

  • @PaidYouOff
    @PaidYouOff16 жыл бұрын

    Wait, why should we appreciate the movie separately? It is a movie adaptation of the book. If it hopes to get off the hook of criticism by being appreciated separately, it has another thing coming. It doesn't deserve a decent movie, it deserves better, and that is to be left as it was intended. Even if this movie is great, it'll be LESS than the book deserves.

  • @cha5
    @cha516 жыл бұрын

    Now I don't know Zack Snyder, But I wouldn't honestly think that Watchmen could translate from a comic to a film anymore than say 'Maus' or 'Acme Novelty Library' would work as a film, Doing a Watchmen film is far more complicated than say doing a Spiderman film or a Batman film.

  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    I still have my doubts that film or tv could do justice to Watchmen, Most comic fans think it's impossible to try to shoehorn Watchmen into a film and have it not come across as anything but a fuckup, Maybe this will be the greatest comicbook film ever, And the trailer will prove me wrong, I just doubt it myself with Hollywoods track record.

  • @panag3
    @panag316 жыл бұрын

    300 was not terrible. It wassent amazing though. But take the directon and the story telling of 300 and put that on a great story like the Watchmen and you will have a great movie.

  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    Because Trappedsoul 300 is not Watchmen, They are totally different works, I think grendelvs is right an HBO series would make more sense as opposed to a make or break blockbuster, As a series you would have more time to build the characters world, Create all their background stories etc.

  • @brothercartman
    @brothercartman12 жыл бұрын


  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    Kill them all? I don't think so, That would have been an impossible task, Their slow speed makes perfect sense in their bodies when you take into account factors like decay, brain damage etc, The Zombies running like track athletes doesn't.

  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    in an interview with Terry Gilliam, Moore was asked "Tell me Alan, How would you make a Watchmen film?" Moore's answer "Well to be perfectly honest Terry, I wouldn't" His answer speaks for itself and makes perfect sense, Hollywood doesn't have the artistic integrity to make a Watchmen film.

  • @greglee7122


    4 жыл бұрын

    cha5 and yet we got a masterpiece

  • @cha5


    4 жыл бұрын

    Greg Lee No, We got a bastardization of Moore and Gibbons’s masterpiece.

  • @greglee7122


    4 жыл бұрын

    cha5 the books great, but I don’t think the film could of been done in a more true manner. Yes I get some purists prefer it to be left alone. The film was great, and has done what no other comic book film dare do.

  • @cha5


    4 жыл бұрын

    Greg Lee The film chopped out whole chunks of the book with an axe, besides the ending insofar as the origin of Rorschach goes it had him killing off the pedophile who had kidnapped and murdered six year old Blaire Roche with an instant blow to the head, which would have been far too merciful a death for him compared to Rorschach burning him alive ala the comic, not to mention the death of the two Bernies in chapter 11 in a death embrace with the older Bernie trying in vain to shield the younger Bernie and them both ending up in an ocean of blood along with thousands of other bodies in NYC which was far more poignant and visually nightmarish than that nuking of NYC in Snyder’s film. And cutting out most of the background information and the basics of a comic within a comic which is a key feature of Moore and Gibbons’s Watchmen, as far as a “great” comic book movie that actually respects it’s source material I’ll take Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud’s film Persepolis over Zack Snyder’s Watchmen film anytime, especially being that it had the original creator’s input and didn’t deviate from Satrapi’s Persepolis graphic novel which is NOT the case with Snyder’s Watchmen bastardization.

  • @cha5


    4 жыл бұрын

    Greg Lee Also if you think that Snyder’s Watchmen film somehow did “what no other comic book film dare to do” I would refer you to films such as Crumb, American Splendor, Persepolis and Akira, all of which I’ll take over Snyder’s Watchmen film anytime. Moore and Gibbons’s Watchmen was a groundbreaker that impacted comics as a medium unlike anything else when it came out, Snyder’s film was a pale attempt at an adaptation that never came close to Moore and Gibbons’s masterpiece.

  • @iWubmusic
    @iWubmusic16 жыл бұрын

    So ur saying dr. Manhatten did look like the comic then? lol... K Comedian looks a little off, but I like his more ruggish look in the movie.

  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    Depends on the people, If you mean your general film goer probably not, Moore fans and comic fans will, Sequential Art and films are not compatable. And a Watchmen film is a stupid idea.

  • @cha5
    @cha516 жыл бұрын

    Look Watchmen has about several different subplots, Dr Manhattan's persepective on time and reality isn't something that can really come across on film IMHO, Joel Silver the same man who stated that Moore loved the 'V For Vendetta' film (he didn't) which he produced will also be producing this film, Moore has disowned this entire film, Even Terry Gilliam feels that a Watchmen film wouldn't work.

  • @iWubmusic
    @iWubmusic16 жыл бұрын

    300 was awesome. Wow, I never heard a single bad thing about 300. If u didnt like 300, u prob won't like this movie then. so leave.

  • @cha5
    @cha516 жыл бұрын

    I'm sorry but the burden is pretty much on Snyder to persuade Alan Moore fans that a Watchmen film will work, Warner Brothers has IMHO had ONE comicbook film recently that was worthwhile 'Batman Begins', The rest of their roster has included films like 'Catwoman' 'Steel' 'Constantine' 'V For Vendetta' plus this upcoming 'Dark Knight' film with the sorry Joker makeup job circulating all over, If fans don't trust WB to handle a Watchmen film it's a situation WB has brought on itself.

  • @cha5
    @cha516 жыл бұрын

    Well I'm just a cynic about these things, Being that Warner Brothers gave us V For Vendetta and the Constantine film, One a comic created by Moore another a character of Moore's and screwed them both up, Snyder did do 300 but that's totally different than Watchmen, I have a hard time seeing how Watchmen could be translated to film, I'm biased in the fact that IMHO Snyder's film will never come close to Moore's comic.

  • @ick13
    @ick1315 жыл бұрын

    Okay, he is NOT changing the ending. He is only changing the fucking squid!!!! Did anybody listen to the interview or did they just listen to the fact that he is changing the squid to something else?

  • @brothercartman
    @brothercartman12 жыл бұрын

    Fair enough, but come on. Michael Bay just makes films with mindless action, at least Zack Snyder has films with some amount of depth. To each his own though.

  • @saulo1009
    @saulo100917 жыл бұрын


  • @cha5
    @cha516 жыл бұрын


  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    In the remake the Zombies were running like sprinters, Which makes no sense whatsoever, In the original they were a slow but steady never ending mass of humanity and the main characters were far more interesting and it had a stronger sense of satire which worked far better than the remake.

  • @thespice311
    @thespice31115 жыл бұрын

    I do not understand the point of your post. Of course I know Frank Miller wrote 300, Sin City, et al. I was simply saying that Snyder boiled 300 down to mindless violence and blind hatred (that had no target nor repercussion)... So what is to say he won't do the same with Watchmen? A different ending renders the rest of the story pointless. I just can't believe that a person with any sense would attempt a Watchmen adaptation WITHOUT the Watchmen ending.

  • @purplenurps
    @purplenurps12 жыл бұрын

    It's my opinion, why do i lose credibility? I'm not roger ebert or mark kermode

  • @VancoreAMVs
    @VancoreAMVs17 жыл бұрын

    Heh, its not like you can't make a good movie out of watchmen. If they first made a movie then the comic to flesh out the movie more nobody would be complaining but since its vice versa most people can't seem to wrap there head around what could be a good movie. I would like to see them make a book and Add more to the story, ya know, cause books really get into the heart and drama of a story unlike comics. =\

  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    You haven't given one reason why we need a Watchmen film, Or how such a film could ever possibly measure up to Moore and Gibbon's work, Wachmen can't work as a film anymore than Maus or Acme Novelty Library, There are certain things that any attempt to film them will be a complete and utter fuck up, Watchmen is one of those things.

  • @thespice311
    @thespice31115 жыл бұрын

    This would be nice, but if it is the case the trailers do a very poor job of presenting it. Just the way Rorschach moves, and the over the top weaponry and path of destruction that surround every clip of the Comedian seem to say that Snyder sees the Watchmen as some sort of "X-Men hit mid-life crisis" group instead of "crazy people who no one really likes, in part because they smell bad".

  • @breastinspector2
    @breastinspector216 жыл бұрын

    Anyone notice the blood in 300 looked too computer animated, and not like real blood? You know, cartoony-looking...?

  • @drunkdonutboy
    @drunkdonutboy17 жыл бұрын

    no he won't, i'm sure of it.

  • @cha5
    @cha516 жыл бұрын

    Plus who here thinks that Warner Brothers will really have the balls to try and film the original apocalyptic climax to Watchmen that has millions of people dead all across New York with it's echos of 9/11? And you don't really get what you would call a happy ending at the end of Watchmen which I'm sure Warner Brothers would want to throw out and "improve" somehow, LOL.

  • @mooker5600
    @mooker560017 жыл бұрын


  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    Tell me something, How could a filmed version of Watchmen manage something like Dr Manhattans sudden flashbacks? which work perfectly as sequential art, A film couldn't capture that, Also in chapter 22 'A Stronger Loving World' with the millions of dead people in Times Square and across New York, Do you really think that Warner Brothers would let something like that be shown? They would cut it because of similarities to 9/11 in a second.

  • @cha5
    @cha516 жыл бұрын

    And IMHO Warner Brothers regards DC as nothing more than a cash cow for supplying it with comicbook characters to make a film franchise out of, With the outlook of throwing chewing gum at a ceiling and hoping it will stick, That's not even getting into the fact that comics and films are two separate artforms that are just not compatable in general IMHO, Comic fans and Alan Moore fans have every right to be skeptical about this film.

  • @killemal
    @killemal17 жыл бұрын

    ...he will fuck-up watchmen. i'm telling you

  • @withoutamartyr
    @withoutamartyr16 жыл бұрын

    ZAK Snyder?

  • @cha5
    @cha516 жыл бұрын

    I'm a pessimist about this film, Given Hollywoods track record with Moore's comics his characters, The fact that every single attempt to bring them to the big screen has been a complete and utter fuck up, And the fact that even Terry Gilliam didn't think it was possible to create a film that would do justice to Watchmen. IMHO neither Warner Brothers nor Zach Snyder will do anything except create a travesty of one of the all time comic masterpieces.

  • @brothercartman
    @brothercartman12 жыл бұрын

    Michael Bay is better? You just lost all credibility.

  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    Actually there will be a difference, The Watchmen film will be an artistic disaster of epic proportions, Doing a faithfull adaptation of 300 or Sin City is not the same thing as trying to shoehorn something on the epic and poetic scale of Watchmen into a Hollywood film.

  • @allaboutdmagic
    @allaboutdmagic14 жыл бұрын

    Ah, back before he fucked it up. If only he hadn't been able to raise the money.

  • @saulo1009
    @saulo100917 жыл бұрын

    It's R-O-R-S-C-H-A-C-H. End of discussion.

  • @cha5
    @cha516 жыл бұрын

    Uh The Shining stunk as a mini series IMHO, Stephen King had a hand in overseeing it and it was pretty mediocre, I prefer the Kubrick film myself, But The Shining is a horror story set in one location with three main characters, Moore's Watchmen is far more complex than that, If the storyline of Watchmen is deviated away from like Snyder will probably attempt such as giving Watchmen a happy ending having Dan kill Veidt etc, The whole film becomes a pointless joke.

  • @GetterRay
    @GetterRay16 жыл бұрын

    visualy? no, the trailer was far from the book. Nite Owl and Rorschach looked fine but everyone else was far from how the book portrayed them.

  • @apologyisnothepolicy
    @apologyisnothepolicy17 жыл бұрын

    ya know? an hbo miniseries would be a great idea to adapt watchment,but hbo now broadcast only series about gays it's like glaad tv what the fuck happened with quality material like tales from the crypt,oz,the sopranos and carnivale?

  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    Wrong on both counts the original Dawn was the best, And Watchmen won't work as a film.

  • @thrawnian
    @thrawnian15 жыл бұрын

    Watchmen is much more complicated than 300 or Sin City. Visually he will nail it. But narratively it will suck, no doubt about it. The movie will suck. I mean, yeah, it'll be cool to watch at Dr. Manhattan but the essence will be lost. No matter how good a director you are, you just cannot make Watchmen into a movie. Its too complicated, frenetically non-lineal, the pirate comic book, the complementary texts at the end of each issue. You can't take all of it into a movie and make it work.

  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    People can enjoy all sorts of crap, That doesn't make a Watchmen movie a good or worthwhile project.

  • @Mrster
    @Mrster15 жыл бұрын

    Watchmen? Nah, that'll never happen.

  • @primester
    @primester16 жыл бұрын

    Is this guy like 14?

  • @cha5
    @cha516 жыл бұрын

    I know LOL, Sorry, A lame attempt at humor on my part.

  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    Alan Moore has disowned just about every attempt to film his work, Those attempts were complete artistic failures, And not one of them came close to Moore's comics, Do you deny that? People who respect Moore's work for the most part think that a Watchmen film will be a piece of crap.

  • @thespice311
    @thespice31115 жыл бұрын

    Are you serious? Have you read Watchmen? If you boil it down into xenophobia and mindless violence you will get a great movie? Please explain this to me... I mean Watchmen had very little action in it, especially in context with other "super hero" stories. A director whose career "highlight" is 2 hours of masturbatory effects and violence shouldn't be allowed anywhere near it.

  • @thespice311
    @thespice31115 жыл бұрын

    Have you even read Watchmen? The previews look like shit, he is ruining it (the costumes are ridiculous and out of character, he has changed the ending, he made the shit heap that is "300"... too many reasons to list man) and turning it into generic super hero trash which ironically is exactly what Watchmen derided. I don't know how a true fan of the book can get behind the shit Snyder is pushing. It is the same only in name, nothing else. I hope it bombs.

  • @XxAlmightyStanxX
    @XxAlmightyStanxX16 жыл бұрын

    Oh...God....Snyder and Warner Brothers working on "Watchmen"? As far as I'm concerned, the world of graphic novels is ending. Seriously, if this idiot's adapting Watchmen, I predict comic fans will start burning theatres to the ground. Can't Alan Moore have ONE good film adaptation? Just ONE!?

  • @thespice311
    @thespice31115 жыл бұрын

    I love the "homophobic overtones" in your message, by implying that my sexuality could somehow trivialize my opinion of an otherwise terrible movie! All 300 (the movie) does is glorify multiple forms of regressive hatred. Even ignoring that, there was nothing noteworthy about 300. Several modern movies do the whole "over the top violence" thing better, and the story was simplified into trash. Take these things together and you pretty much have the opposite of Watchmen.

  • @purplenurps
    @purplenurps12 жыл бұрын

    Bay sets out to make summer films, snyder tries to make serious films but they are just horse shit

  • @cha5
    @cha517 жыл бұрын

    Watchmen won't work as a film because Moore's comics can't be translated to film and every attempt to do so has ended in failure ala From Hell, TLOEG, and V For Vendetta, Plus The Constantine film which castrated one of his best creations. Watchmen will be no different.
