Examining Black-Jewish Alliance Details

This is an analysis of the most interesting details I found in the Black-Jewish Alliance during the Civil Rights era as depicted in the book What Went Wrong? The Creation & Collapse of the Black-Jewish Alliance, written by Murray Friedman. Copyright year 1995.
Join me on an odyssey in my NEW video. 🎉
It's a DEEP dive into interesting details from the book What Went Wrong? The Creation & Collapse of the Black-Jewish Alliance. 💯
Featuring information on:
- Malcom X
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Jewish identity defined
- Marcus Garvey
- Louis Farrakhan
- The case of Leo Frank from the author's perspective
Why is this important you ask? History echoes truths and these truths reverberate today.
As always, I encourage YOU to draw your own conclusions.
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