🇬🇧 Exam season Vlog l Jet lag back from the US, lovely Tulips, 왜 시험기간엔 항상 꽃이 필까요 (feat. 튤립)

Episode 27_Exam season vlog (3 weeks left)
00:00 Back to London (yay!), do grocery shopping (fasting for 20 hours)
01:25 Having terrible jet lag
01:45 Prufrock coffee (brunch cafe) ; I recommend it!
03:50 Tulips in London (Victoria Embankment Garden), WatchHouse Covent garden, Jubilee market
06:23 First A2 level French class!! (I was frustrated but I won't give up!!)
I'm a postgrad at King's College London.
This vlog is for recording my mundane London life and practising language.
I wrote the subtitles myself, so you might find some awkward expressions.
If you want to recommend better expression, feel free to comment :)
Thanks for watching this episode.
킹스컬리지런던에서 석사과정 공부중인 대학원생 브이로그입니다.
소소하게 매일의 일상과 생각을 기록하고 있습니다.
이번 주도 영상 시청해주셔서 감사합니다 :)

