Even a 7-Year-Old Can Do This! Easy DOE in JMP!

To be honest, I was very skeptical about JMP's new Easy DOE platform (Design Of Experiment).
However, I had the pleasure of having Ryan Lekivetz, Senior Manager of Advanced Analytics R&D at JMP, walk me through this new workflow.
Conclusion? It really works! So...
(Add drum roll)
Still using One Factor At a Time (OFAT)?
Want to save 50% in time and resources invested (Like others in your industry?)
Never used Design Of Experiment before?
Then do this!
Even a 7-year-old can do this!
Why DOE? • The Why: Design of Exp...
My name is Christian Bille, and I have many hobbies! I enjoy painting miniatures, wood chopping, beer brewing, and spreading knowledge of data analysis to fellow non-statisticians! As a Systems Engineer at JMP, I often talk to customers who struggle with the same concepts and ask the same questions. Therefore, I made this channel to inspire and guide data analytics. Welcome to Stats Like Jazz!
