Evangeli Balta | What are the Karamanlidika Studies

Date: 9 May 2024
Lecturer: Evangelia Balta
The talk aims to present topics dealing with the history and the cultural legacy of the Turkish-speaking Christian Orthodox population of Anatoliaand to reveal the extent of the academic field of Karamanlidika Studies, which, as is generally known, covers history, literature, anthropology, linguistics, and political sciences. In addition, the talk wishes to highlight why we study or, better, why we must study this field of Ottoman Studies and Turcology, which has only recently started to be acknowledged in academia. Above all, though, it aims to speak about Karamanlidika Studies to contribute to the opening up of a much wider circle of research within Ottoman Studies, which will cover the cultural tradition of all the Turkish-speaking non-Muslim millets in the Ottoman Empire, as all of them together make up the entirety of Ottoman culture and the Ottoman literary legacy can no longer be considered that of the Muslim community alone, as it came to be thought of due to the absence or insufficient involvement with its other sectors.
Evangelia Balta’s Recent Books (2020-2023)
• Anlatıların Satır Aralarında Mübadele Tarihi, (haz.) Evangelia Balta, İstanbul, Literatür, 2023.
• Hristoforos E. Misailidis, Protaprilia ya da 1 Nisan Şakası. Anatoli Gazetesinde (1899) Yayımlanmış Tefrika Olarak Karamanlıca Bir Vodvil, (haz.) Evangelia Balta & F. Murat Demir, İstanbul, Literatür, 2023.
• Registering Life in a Multicultural City. Late Ottoman Nicosia, Ottoman Censuses (1839-1877), (ed.) Evangelia Balta, Istanbuler Texte und Studien Herausgegeben von Orient-Institut Istanbul, Band 47, I-III Vols, Ergon Verlag in Kommission, Baden-Baden 2022.
• Following the Traces of Turkish-speaking Christians of Anatolia, 2vols / Türkçe Konuşan Anadolulu Hristiyan Halkın İzlerinde, haz. Evangelia Balta, Cilt I-II, Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatlarının Kaynakları-150, Harvard Üniversitesi Yakındoğu Dilleri ve Medeniyetleri Bölüm, 2021.
• Beyoğlu Sırları (Tefrika roman / 1888-1889). Yazan: Epameinondas Kyriakidis, Τürkçesi (Κaramanlıca): Evangelinos Misailidis, hz: Evangelia Balta & Sada Payır, istos yayın, İstanbul 2020.
Website: www.evangeliabalta.com
