Evan's Fox 10.5 Hybrid Inverter - Customer Testimonial

Evan's provides feedback on his FoxESS 10.5 and FoxESS Energy Cube Installation at his home in Cape Town, South Africa.
MSPD Africa is the authorized South African distributor of FoxESS energy storage systems.
FoxESS is a global leader in the development of inverter and energy storage solutions. Engineered by some of the world’s leading inverter and battery experts, the products are breaking new ground; offering you the most advanced product features currently available, coupled with unrivaled performance and reliability.
FoxESS is part of a global conglomerate of renowned and recognized companies. A key shareholder is Tsingshan Group, a Fortune Global 500 company and the largest producer of stainless steel in the world. It has more than 56,000 employees and annual sales revenues in 2022 of 54.4 billion USD.
MSPD Africa is a FoxESS-accredited training and repair center.
for more www.mspd.africa

