EU Hearing on the proposed Cyber Solidarity Act: Dario Presutti, FSFE Policy Analyst

Dario Presutti participated in the EU hearing on the proposed Cyber Solidarity Act and Digital Resilience.
He highlighted the crucial role Free Software plays in cybersecurity, in particular when it comes to cross border collaboration and working with an international security community.
Free Software fosters digital resilience trough its four freedoms, the freedom to use, study, share and improve the source code of a Software. This allows the development of IT services tailored to the needs within the scope of this regulation, which can also to be shared without any restriction. Also in light of interoperability Free Software needs to be prioritized.
Dario demanded as well to clearly define a Cyber Security Community in the regulation. A community composed of representatives from the Member States, the European Commission, other relevant institutions, academia, the private sector, and the civil society, meaning the Free Software Community as well.
The Free Software Community has already shown its expertise and support in developing digital public goods, during the development of public health apps during covid19 for example.
Only by prioritizing Free Software and by defying a Cyber Security Community, we can have secured and sovereign digital infrastructures.
