Episodio 19

Orden de aparicion:
Battle Raider - battle raide(Mexico)
Louder than Hell - death hammer(Brazil)
Headbangers - murder(Bolivia)
Sign of Evil - the consequence of your actions(Chile)
Cryptogram - ahrimanic meditations(Uruguay)
Noctrifer - march of the damned(Panama)
Sepulchral Throne - Idolatria(Paraguay)
Total Night Terror - Terror de la noche(Colombia)
Killing Her - melancholy at the ditch(Puerto rico)
Ripping Flesh - obsessed to create(Mexico)
Aparthiva Raktadhara - Noumenal Wings of Uncreation Hover over the Excrements of Sunyata(India)
Andracca - dissolution of apathy(Inglaterra)
Etoile Filante - Icare ou la chute des corps célestes(Francia)
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