Episode 57: Ride with Faith...and training.

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Stacy Westfall, a horse trainer, shares her thoughts on the relationship between faith and horse training in a recent podcast episode. The episode was triggered by a listener's question about why well-trained horses sometimes exhibit aggressive behavior towards their handlers.
Stacy reflects on her journey as a horse trainer and the importance of balancing faith and training when working with horses. She draws parallels between faith in a horse's nature and faith in other drivers when on the road. Just as people learn to drive with caution and defensive skills, horse training requires a structured approach to ensure safety.
She emphasizes that good-natured horses can still pose risks if they lack proper training. Horses, like people, may become irritated or frustrated, but their communication is often non-verbal. Stacy encourages listeners to observe the body language of both horses and people to gauge their mood.
Throughout her travels and interactions with strangers, Stacy has found that most people are inherently kind, just as she believes most horses are good-natured. She challenges her audience to recognize the many aspects of life in which faith plays a role, from mundane daily activities to more profound beliefs.
Stacy expresses gratitude to the listener who prompted this exploration of faith and horse training, emphasizing the importance of asking questions and seeking deeper understanding. She concludes by thanking her audience and announces the next episode, scheduled for Christmas Day.

