Epic Battle Fantasy 4: Miniboss & Optional Bosses Rush (Epic Mode)


Another one down, just two more to go.
Wooly Mammoth
Use syphon to try to kill the monoliths as soon as possible, however, the Mammoth will also get syphoned in the process and will attack you, and due to its high attack it will basically kill one of your party members, this means that setting up against it is not worthy as you will only lose turns doing it. Once the monoliths are down you must try to poison the Mammoth since its weak to it, after that it should go down without much trouble.
The only real problem with it is one of its attack that can berserk your whole party, but besides that it is pretty easy. You must try to dispel it as soon as possible as well as using water in combination with electricty attacks to damage it and the enemies it spawn.
This thing is more annoying that difficult, every turn it can attack it will also spawn one enemy, and they can all inflict stun upon you, which can be really obnoxious. Fortunately it itself can be stunned in order to prevent enemies from appearing but is not guaranteed, so using electricity attacks is the way to go.
Prioritize lowering the accuracy of this thing, since its attack is really high. Also it can use a really powerful attack where it jumps into the air and slams you on the way back, and if it wants to, it will use it turn after turn. Just like the Mammoth, poison will take care of it without much problem. Also don't kill the tail until the end, you can use it to set up for the next boss.
Having bomb resistance is very important for this fight since the most dangerous attacks are of that element. Using syphon with the runes will make them attack you with physical attacks instead of magic which in combination with raising your defense can basically make them useless, but you still must try to kill them. The reason for this is that if the Protector can't spawn runes it will instead attack you for each rune it cant spawn (since it will try to have 4 runes at all time). Lastly I advice you to not end the fight with the character you have a syphon ability since you will need it or the next boss.
Cosmic Monoliths
So the strat with these abominations is the same as always, spam syphon. The only difference is that these ones have very high evade so you also need to lower it by any means before attacking and using syphon on them.
Zombie Hydras
Oh boy this final wave is very stressful. There are two things that you must take into consideration about these enemies. The first one is that they LOVE to use instakill attacks, it is very possible to have your entire party swept by them if all four decide to use that kind of attacks in one turn (which happened to me in one of my attempts). The other problem, and arguably worse, is that they can revive each other. If you kill a Zombie Hydra it will revive in two turns, not with a quarter or half of its health, but at full life. So in order to counter these traits you can continously lower their accuracy as well as distributing damage and passive status among them in order to try to keep them in the same health range before doing the finishing blow. Another thing to consider is that having full fire resistance will make you inmune to two of its attack so that also can help you survive as much as possible.
Overall it wasn't as bas as I thought it would be, this was my third attempt since the first one ended at the Protector and the other at the Zombie Hydras. But the thing that ended up giving me the win was the different equipment to counter the element of the bosses as well as implementing the accuracy strat against the Hydras.

