EP30 How Seizures Broke Me And Built Me Back Up Better Than Ever

We're almost at the end of Season 1 and I couldn't let this first season pass without speaking about my greatest teacher in life so far - my seizures.
I started having seizures in 2020 out of nowhere and overnight I went from being independent, confident and moving at light speed every day to being dependant on others and unable to do much at all. I lost my confidence, most of my friendships, my 10 year relationship and my positive outlook on life.
I was placed on heavy meds which made me feel like I had completely lost my identity and I became someone I couldn't trust around others. My emotions were so irratic and unable to be controlled that I lashed out at people in ways I never meant to.
In this episode I take you through my 4 main episodes - all ending in hospital and the emotions come flooding back as I tap into these memories so prepare for some tears.
Though it seemed like it would never get better, I put in the work and gradually I got back on my feet.
I reflect on all of the wonderful learnings I've gained from these experiences and how completely different my life is now compared to before.
This episode emphasises the power of initiations and how the biggest challenges we go through always become our greatest teachers in the end.
I hope you gain something from this episode whether it be inspiration, perspective, insight or just an appreciation for your body and the way it supports you every day.
Stay you. Stay True.
