EP160: Try out the script mod for Husak Challenge | workers and resources (Husak Challenge)


Still a lot of constructions, fuel shortages and fighting a nasty RDO wagon assign bug.
EN subtitles only, realistic mode, no loan, no mods, import and export restrictions, hard resource and topography map
Workers and Resources Soviet Republic: Husak Challenge on map Middle earth (challenge description: steamcommunity.com/sharedfile....
time range: 01.01.08 - 12.04.08
game version:
Immigration points used: 1961 (1350), 1962 (300), 1963 (150) 1964 (250)
1960-1964: gravel + meat (completed)
1965-1969: prefabs + coal (completed)
1970-1974: bricks + alcohol (completed)
1975-1979: iron + steel (completed)
1980-1984: boards + mechanical components (completed)
1985-1989: chemicals + liquid fertilizer (completed)
1990-1994: fertilizer + plastic (completed)
1995-1999: electronic + electronic components (completed)
2000-2004: nuclear fuel + waste (completed)
2005-2009: bauxit and aluminium oxid (completed)
1968/09 - 1969/12: 600 deaths+escapes (accomplished)
1970/09 - : university professors have to have at least 50% loyality (active)
1973/12: end of year one working orphanage, research "increased birthrate" started or done (accomplished)
1977/01 - 1989/12: sentences are set to 5/6/7 years for crimes (accomplished)
1991/01 - : no export to soviet site (except for power and tourism)
Export goals (01.01.2008):
ore, raw material (3/8):
bauxite ore (162.436/100.000) DONE
coal ore (106.808/100.000) DONE
crops (7.728/100.000) WIP
iron ore (0/100.000) WIP
oil (42.119/100.000) WIP
quarried stone (146.782/100.000) DONE
uranium ore (46.196/100.000) WIP
wood (84.924/100.000) WIP
primary products (4/12):
alcohol (14.314/25.000) WIP
bauxite (17.660/50.000) WIP
bitumen (0/25.000) WIP
boards (102.147/100.000) DONE
bricks (231.047/100.000) DONE
coal (177.572/100.000) DONE
fabric (0/25.000) WIP
food (36.121/50.000) WIP
fuel (0/25.000) WIP
gravel (224.524/50.000) DONE
iron (0/50.000) WIP
livestock (23.083/50.000) WIP
secondary products (7/10):
aluminium (11.850/25.000) WIP
aluminium oxide (7.515/5.000) DONE
cement (284.845/25.000) DONE
clothing (0/25.000) WIP
chemicals (20.470/10.000) DONE
liquid fertilizer (36.548/25.000) DONE
meat (25.304/25.000) DONE
prefab pannels (165.939/100.000) DONE
solid fertilizer (22.832/25.000) WIP
steel (120.179/100.000) DONE
advanced products (4/6):
el. components (10.338/10.000) DONE
electronics (7.169/10.000) WIP
explosives (0/25.000) WIP
mech. components (17.680/10.000) DONE
plastics (15.898/10.000) DONE
electricity (5.295.005/1.000.000) DONE
nuclear (1/4):
uranium oxide (102/5.000) WIP
nuclear fuel (306/500) WIP
nuclear waste (32/100) WIP
UF6 (521/500) DONE
Link to the Husak Challenge script mod: steamcommunity.com/sharedfile...
