Ep.092 - Office politics: navigate your workplace


How do you feel about office politics? Frustrated? Manipulated? People playing games? Making power plays?
Office politics can be destructive if there is negative intention, however workplace politics is a reality in most organisations- how projects are approved, people move forward and things are done.
So what if we reframe it as human connection success factors, a way for you to navigate the workplace to connect with people to support your success?
This is a vital skill to steer your career, and build your influence, impact and relationship capital.
What you will learn in this episode:
● Understanding office politics
● Start with observation
● The hidden influencers in your organisation
● Identify your Influence Matrix
● Managing peer to peer
● Managing upwards
● Influence is not only what happens in the meeting
● The 3-point approach
● If you know you need more support with navigating office politics and stepping up your leadership communication skills, access my free resource, ‘7 Communication Strategies for Leaders’ to help you improve, elevate and amplify your communication skills to speak like a leader in this bite-size 7-day training series, which I will send you by email. Click here: culturecuppa.com/7-communicat...
● Or DM me on Linkedin with the word Leader: / victoria-rennoldson
● Listen to episode 91 'Get to yes: convince with your ideas': culturecuppa.com/podcasts/get...
● Listen to episode 44 'How to engage your senior stakeholders': culturecuppa.com/podcasts/how...
● Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: culturecuppa.com/get-free-ins...
● Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: / victoria-rennoldson
● Email me: victoria@culturecuppa.com
● Website: culturecuppa.com
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