Enough is Enough IFA Farm Tractor Protest Against Increasing Regulations and Falling Incomes!

This Protest was organised by Limerick County Executive of IFA, The Irish Farmers Association. This Protest was held in unison with similar events held in nearly all counties in the Republic of Ireland. This event was ran under the newly installed IFA National President Francie O'Gorman.
It was in support of weeks of protests on Continental Europe and particularly in France, Belgium and Holland where motorways were blockaded. It is against excessive regulations and falling incomes. Regulations up to an extend are necessary but increasing regulations imposes costs on farmers and with limited incomes can't afford to comply.
This video was filmed on Thursday 1st February in Adare, Co. Limerick and on the roads near Patrickswell.
Here is a link to a similar video on this channel from October 2021
• IFA Save Our Farm Rall...

