Engagement Pods are DESTROYING Your Social Media | Insider Tips from a Social Media Manager

Engagement pods, otherwise know as comment pods or even Facebook pods, WILL destroy your organic social reach.
The algorithm is smart enough to know when you are manipulating your numbers. And as such penalizes you when you do take part in these actions.
Furthermore, if you are currently in an any sort of engagement pod (whether it's in a Facebook group or a 10 person Instagram group chat), it is very easy to tell if you're in one:
1) If you always seem to receive the same amount of likes, comments, and/or shares OR you never to fall below a certain Share count, then that's an easy indication of this kind of activity.
Fluctuations are normal on social media and, as a social media manager, I should be able to see that fluctuation on your page. It's a sign of a healthy page! So if I see that you ALWAYS seem to get at least X amount of Shares, you've outed yourself. Some days you'll have more, some days you'll have less - that's the nature of social media. And as such, it is far more UNLIKELY that you ALWAYS get a certain number of any type of engagement.
2) Your views tell a much deeper story than your engagement does. Which is why you can hide your like count but not your views. If you are getting an insane amount of engagement on your post, but that amount of traffic is not reflected in your views, then it's another easy indicator of being in an engagement pod.
Stop trying to manipulate your numbers as this is not only a terrible tactic to grow, but it also doesn't allow you to truly understand what works and what doesn't on your page, and it will have long term negative impact on your page's overall health.
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